I just bought a bamboo tree. I think every bamboo tree I've ever seen has just been the plant in a vase with rocks in it. Is it eventually going to need dirt or is just fresh water and rocks okay? I'm not sure if I should put in in potting soil or not and I can't find anything online except advertisements for selling bamboo and bonsai trees.
If you can provide some good websites that would be helpful too! Thank you!
How do you take care of a Bamboo plant (tree)?
Bamboo in nature grows in a moist, almost swampy environment. I would not worry about using soil, it does fine in gravel and water. Also, keep it away from windows and other sources of light. It will brown out quickly if not kept in shade.
Reply:umm no all you have to do is water it. it will not need dirt. just put water in it everyday and it will be fine. i only know this cause my mom has one.
flowers and gifts
Monday, January 30, 2012
Utah. Layton Bamboo skewers?
Bamboo skewers to make fruit kabobs
Where to find them in Layton, Utah
Utah. Layton Bamboo skewers?
You should be able to find them in a local grocery store or a local import store...call around to different places and ask them if they have any.
Reply:I've found them in Price at either Smith's or WalMart.
Reply:Bamboo skewers are in just about any import store If you have checked the telephone book and have had no luck I have found some over here in Salem Oregon that I would be glad to share or get you some also. Just let me know!
Where to find them in Layton, Utah
Utah. Layton Bamboo skewers?
You should be able to find them in a local grocery store or a local import store...call around to different places and ask them if they have any.
Reply:I've found them in Price at either Smith's or WalMart.
Reply:Bamboo skewers are in just about any import store If you have checked the telephone book and have had no luck I have found some over here in Salem Oregon that I would be glad to share or get you some also. Just let me know!
Why is bamboo so fascinating?!?
i am fascinated with bamboo. all its uses and everything about it why??!
Why is bamboo so fascinating?!?
Because it is a green stick that grows and brings luck to people.
Reply:Because there is no other plant like it. Also it looks nice
Reply:bamboo is a very special natural product. in my shop we have bamboo windchimes,water features fence panels,gamelans(zylophones) and more.it can be stained ,estapoled or kept natural.it can be used around the garden for a feature or in building.they still use it today in asia and other parts of the world for construction scaffolding.
bamboo is the strongest natural building product in the world so keep on enjoying bamboo, there are many uses .
Reply:It's good for plumbing,just seal the joints w/some natural latex rubber.
Why is bamboo so fascinating?!?
Because it is a green stick that grows and brings luck to people.
Reply:Because there is no other plant like it. Also it looks nice
Reply:bamboo is a very special natural product. in my shop we have bamboo windchimes,water features fence panels,gamelans(zylophones) and more.it can be stained ,estapoled or kept natural.it can be used around the garden for a feature or in building.they still use it today in asia and other parts of the world for construction scaffolding.
bamboo is the strongest natural building product in the world so keep on enjoying bamboo, there are many uses .
Reply:It's good for plumbing,just seal the joints w/some natural latex rubber.
Installing floating bamboo flooring?
i'm having a problem with a gluess lock %26amp; fold floating bamboo floor when i keep installing a new row the boards keep snaping off why is this? i will lay the first board of the row snap it in fold down than the next board the end goes on then i elevate the board at about 25 degree angle which causes the other board to lift snap in place tap slightly .when i start the third board doing same the first board would come loose this even happen to the whole row one time; just don't understand what i'm doing wrong.
Installing floating bamboo flooring?
Are you sure you started with the correct edge on the very first board. As I recall, one edge is intended to be the "down" board and the other is the one you snap into it. Try reversing what you are doing and see what happens. You should not have to lift any board other than the new one you are snapping into the other which is flat on the floor.
Another way to put it is, if you are starting on one wall, it is important which edge is against (of course allowing for the required expansion space) the wall and which is toward the room side.
Reply:first thing id do when installing floating flooring is not to attach the end piece first. attach the long part of the flooring as close to the end piece without attaching it then use your tapping block to tap the end piece into place and long piece also tapping block means tapping you shouldn't have to hit it hard to make it lock, if you have to hit it hard it probably has a something in the groove i check each piece for burrs and bits of paper before installing, even string will keep it from locking together.
Reply:take the abaca fiber to wrap in line your bamboo stick...
Installing floating bamboo flooring?
Are you sure you started with the correct edge on the very first board. As I recall, one edge is intended to be the "down" board and the other is the one you snap into it. Try reversing what you are doing and see what happens. You should not have to lift any board other than the new one you are snapping into the other which is flat on the floor.
Another way to put it is, if you are starting on one wall, it is important which edge is against (of course allowing for the required expansion space) the wall and which is toward the room side.
Reply:first thing id do when installing floating flooring is not to attach the end piece first. attach the long part of the flooring as close to the end piece without attaching it then use your tapping block to tap the end piece into place and long piece also tapping block means tapping you shouldn't have to hit it hard to make it lock, if you have to hit it hard it probably has a something in the groove i check each piece for burrs and bits of paper before installing, even string will keep it from locking together.
Reply:take the abaca fiber to wrap in line your bamboo stick...
Is my bamboo sick?
I've had this bamboo plant for about two years now (rescued it from a Japanese restaurant, lol), and in the past few months it's been looking a little unhealthy. When I got it it was about two feet tall and very scraggly looking, now it's about four feet. It used to be in a sunnier window and it did very well, but I've had to move it because of my cats. I've included some pics of the damaged spots. I forgot to take one of the vase it's in, but it's basically three stalks with roots in a big glass vase of water. Should I change the water? I keep it above the roots but don't change it often. Does it need more light? Is it sick? I've been nurturing this plant for quite a while and I don't want it to die, any help is appreciated!
Here are the pics:
http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/... (it's a little dusty, sorry)
Is my bamboo sick?
Thanks for the pictures. It seems to me the plant is lacking either iron or magnesium. The stems that have been half cut should be totally cut off, have all the bad leaves taken out and place the plant in good soil. Apply what the plant is missing (iron and or Magnesium), applied at least weekly for a month. Let it be for a while, 8 days after the treatment is over use a good foliage fertilizer for once and repeat after two months. That should do it. Allow it to be in an umber area where it will catch some light but no sun.
Good luck.
Reply:change the water evry week becasue that plant (according to some plant owners who has plant, just like yours, we call it "Fortune plant") and they live in water or soil (any of those) you can put the plant near the sunlight, beacuse the leaves are already fading, you can put also your plant outside then bring it inside in the afternoon.
Reply:It's advisable to change the water every 2 weeks,it has to be near a source if light. Even if far from the window,it should be fine if you got a lamp nearby.
Put a small amount of soluble fertiliser once every 3 months,it helps. My guess is its lacking phosphorous and good water.
Here is what you can do,
Use bottled water(to avoid chlorine) and add fertilizer asap,i think it can work
And by the way, your plant really looks gorgeous,even with the fading leaves ;)
Hope it helps
Rubber Slippers
Here are the pics:
http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/... (it's a little dusty, sorry)
Is my bamboo sick?
Thanks for the pictures. It seems to me the plant is lacking either iron or magnesium. The stems that have been half cut should be totally cut off, have all the bad leaves taken out and place the plant in good soil. Apply what the plant is missing (iron and or Magnesium), applied at least weekly for a month. Let it be for a while, 8 days after the treatment is over use a good foliage fertilizer for once and repeat after two months. That should do it. Allow it to be in an umber area where it will catch some light but no sun.
Good luck.
Reply:change the water evry week becasue that plant (according to some plant owners who has plant, just like yours, we call it "Fortune plant") and they live in water or soil (any of those) you can put the plant near the sunlight, beacuse the leaves are already fading, you can put also your plant outside then bring it inside in the afternoon.
Reply:It's advisable to change the water every 2 weeks,it has to be near a source if light. Even if far from the window,it should be fine if you got a lamp nearby.
Put a small amount of soluble fertiliser once every 3 months,it helps. My guess is its lacking phosphorous and good water.
Here is what you can do,
Use bottled water(to avoid chlorine) and add fertilizer asap,i think it can work
And by the way, your plant really looks gorgeous,even with the fading leaves ;)
Hope it helps
Rubber Slippers
History of bamboo earings??
i might sound really corny but i heard thre was ALOT of history behind bamboo earings u know the little hoops i have two pairs... but thats off the subject.. i decided to choose it has my report topic and its do in about a week so any links or awnsers would relly superl extraly awesome!!! thankyazz
History of bamboo earings??
Freckles I am going to re-write your question to correct your spelling, not to be spiteful, but to be helpful, here goes
It might sound really corny but I've heard there was a lot of history behind the wearing of bamboo ear-rings. You know the little hoops? I have two pairs.....but that's off the subject. I decided to choose it as my report topic and it's due in about a week, so any links or answers would be really super extra-awesome......since some of your spelling is perfect, I think perhaps you can spell, but are too idle to do so.
In the whole world is that the only thing you can find of interest?
Reply:I looked it up on yahoo, and all i got was a bunch of websites that either talk about earrings or sell them lol. But this is going to be a hard one you should try the library. And ask one of the librarians (if i spelled that right lol) to help you.
History of bamboo earings??
Freckles I am going to re-write your question to correct your spelling, not to be spiteful, but to be helpful, here goes
It might sound really corny but I've heard there was a lot of history behind the wearing of bamboo ear-rings. You know the little hoops? I have two pairs.....but that's off the subject. I decided to choose it as my report topic and it's due in about a week, so any links or answers would be really super extra-awesome......since some of your spelling is perfect, I think perhaps you can spell, but are too idle to do so.
In the whole world is that the only thing you can find of interest?
Reply:I looked it up on yahoo, and all i got was a bunch of websites that either talk about earrings or sell them lol. But this is going to be a hard one you should try the library. And ask one of the librarians (if i spelled that right lol) to help you.
Gelo at bamboo's (dracaena sanderina) root?
The first log of my bamboo has started becoming yellow, very soft, too flexible, and gradually dies. I looked its root and something like a gelo has covered it, preventing it from taking in water or breathing. I carefully washed it out and most of the gelo left opening the whole root again. What is that and what can I do to prevent it from happening?
Gelo at bamboo's (dracaena sanderina) root?
Use distilled or filtered or spring water and change it once a week. Don't let anyone tell you different it wants lots of light but not direct sunlight. Keep the water about 1" above the root line.
Keep water fresh by changing it every week, and always keep water levels at approximately an inch from the base of the canes. Lucky Bamboo prefers plenty of indirect sunlight and room temperatures at 65-70o. Although opinions differ on feeding, your Lucky Bamboo is a living organism, so it makes sense to occasionally add a mild solution to the water such as African Violet fertilizer. Since growth can be controlled by feeding, small amounts of fertilizer will keep the plant at a manageable size.
Why Are the Leaves Turning Yellow?
Two of the most common factors are 1.) too much direct sunlight; and 2.) too salty or heavily-flouridated tap water. Give your new Lucky Bamboo a thriving start be sure to keep it away from direct sunlight, and water only with filtered or natural spring water.
Gelo at bamboo's (dracaena sanderina) root?
Use distilled or filtered or spring water and change it once a week. Don't let anyone tell you different it wants lots of light but not direct sunlight. Keep the water about 1" above the root line.
Keep water fresh by changing it every week, and always keep water levels at approximately an inch from the base of the canes. Lucky Bamboo prefers plenty of indirect sunlight and room temperatures at 65-70o. Although opinions differ on feeding, your Lucky Bamboo is a living organism, so it makes sense to occasionally add a mild solution to the water such as African Violet fertilizer. Since growth can be controlled by feeding, small amounts of fertilizer will keep the plant at a manageable size.
Why Are the Leaves Turning Yellow?
Two of the most common factors are 1.) too much direct sunlight; and 2.) too salty or heavily-flouridated tap water. Give your new Lucky Bamboo a thriving start be sure to keep it away from direct sunlight, and water only with filtered or natural spring water.
Can I grow my lucky bamboo in soil?
I am planning on including 2 lucky bamboos in a terrarium, along with a money tree and some small-sized plants. My florist told me to never put the lucky bamboo in soil, but I've also heard of others saying that they'll grow better in soil?
Also, this terrarium is for my biology course, so all the plants there has to grow well in order for me to receive a good mark! =P
Thank you in advance for your help!
Can I grow my lucky bamboo in soil?
Yes, you can grow Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena) in soil.
Here's a video showing how easy it is:
Lucky Bamboo can be transferred to a vase or pot 2" larger than the original...or planted permanently into a small pot in loose sand or potting soil mixture that provides lots of bottom drainage. After the plant is established, some people let the top of the soil dry out between waterings.. to avoid mold %26amp; root rot.
However, if your Lucky Bamboo has been growing in water for a long time, you will have to make sure it stays moist but not soggy to make sure the roots have adapted. Your pot will need good drainage. You can put broken pottery %26amp; such on the bottom of the pot to ensure it doesn't sit in water. You can also set the pot itself on pebbles. Just be careful that the soil doesn't get moldy because a terrarium is a humid environment.
You may enjoy this forum about how successful other's have been in planting Lucky Bamboo in soil. Here's one of the posts: "The absolute best-growing one is simply planted in potting soil with about 50-percent perlite, and watered regularly-- kept moist but not soaking wet. It gets only interior flourescent lighting, but plenty of it. When they're really doing well, the canes will turn a really dark green. Light seems to help with their health, but definitely not direct sunlight. The plants turned dark green once we were using a lower-pH fertilizer. Pond plant food seems to be the best fertilizer -- but just a small amount in the water or soil."
Use a good, light potting soil instead of garden soil. (Garden soil is too heavy for terrariums and may not be free of disease or insects.) The potting soil you purchase will probably be a soilless mixture, which means it’ll contain perlite or vermiculite, as well as be light and able to retain moisture.
If you use tap water, let it stand for 24 hrs. before using it to water your plants.
Good luck! Hope this helps.
Reply:You're welcome! If your tap water has floride, chlorine or salts, it can be toxic to Lucky Bamboo, so use spring water or distilled water instead. http://www.petco.com/caresheet...
Good luck!!!! Report It
Reply:Allowing the tap water to stand for 24hrs is thought to help make it less toxic to Dracaena, but.... it'll be better for you not to risk taking the chance that the tap water could ruin your project. You'll have one less variable to worry about if you use distilled water. Report It
Reply:Lucky bamboo isn't really bamboo, and it is fully adaptable to the soil.
Reply:Although Lucky Bamboo grows well in water, you may decide you’d like to grow yours in soil. If your Lucky Bamboo has been growing in water for a long time, it may not survive the transition to soil unless you keep it quite moist until the roots have adapted. Use a fast-draining soil mixture, and use lots of stones or crockery pieces in the bottom of a pot with ample drainage holes. If the soil does not drain well, the roots will rot. Lucky Bamboo likes to be crowded, so use a container that’s no more than about 2” larger than the stalk group.
Also, this terrarium is for my biology course, so all the plants there has to grow well in order for me to receive a good mark! =P
Thank you in advance for your help!
Can I grow my lucky bamboo in soil?
Yes, you can grow Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena) in soil.
Here's a video showing how easy it is:
Lucky Bamboo can be transferred to a vase or pot 2" larger than the original...or planted permanently into a small pot in loose sand or potting soil mixture that provides lots of bottom drainage. After the plant is established, some people let the top of the soil dry out between waterings.. to avoid mold %26amp; root rot.
However, if your Lucky Bamboo has been growing in water for a long time, you will have to make sure it stays moist but not soggy to make sure the roots have adapted. Your pot will need good drainage. You can put broken pottery %26amp; such on the bottom of the pot to ensure it doesn't sit in water. You can also set the pot itself on pebbles. Just be careful that the soil doesn't get moldy because a terrarium is a humid environment.
You may enjoy this forum about how successful other's have been in planting Lucky Bamboo in soil. Here's one of the posts: "The absolute best-growing one is simply planted in potting soil with about 50-percent perlite, and watered regularly-- kept moist but not soaking wet. It gets only interior flourescent lighting, but plenty of it. When they're really doing well, the canes will turn a really dark green. Light seems to help with their health, but definitely not direct sunlight. The plants turned dark green once we were using a lower-pH fertilizer. Pond plant food seems to be the best fertilizer -- but just a small amount in the water or soil."
Use a good, light potting soil instead of garden soil. (Garden soil is too heavy for terrariums and may not be free of disease or insects.) The potting soil you purchase will probably be a soilless mixture, which means it’ll contain perlite or vermiculite, as well as be light and able to retain moisture.
If you use tap water, let it stand for 24 hrs. before using it to water your plants.
Good luck! Hope this helps.
Reply:You're welcome! If your tap water has floride, chlorine or salts, it can be toxic to Lucky Bamboo, so use spring water or distilled water instead. http://www.petco.com/caresheet...
Good luck!!!! Report It
Reply:Allowing the tap water to stand for 24hrs is thought to help make it less toxic to Dracaena, but.... it'll be better for you not to risk taking the chance that the tap water could ruin your project. You'll have one less variable to worry about if you use distilled water. Report It
Reply:Lucky bamboo isn't really bamboo, and it is fully adaptable to the soil.
Reply:Although Lucky Bamboo grows well in water, you may decide you’d like to grow yours in soil. If your Lucky Bamboo has been growing in water for a long time, it may not survive the transition to soil unless you keep it quite moist until the roots have adapted. Use a fast-draining soil mixture, and use lots of stones or crockery pieces in the bottom of a pot with ample drainage holes. If the soil does not drain well, the roots will rot. Lucky Bamboo likes to be crowded, so use a container that’s no more than about 2” larger than the stalk group.
Chinese Food: Bamboo House- Prices?
I can't find the menu for Bamboo House. Its a Chinese Restaurant in Temple, a community in Clagary.
I would love to order:
Wor Won Ton
Sweet and Sour Chicken Balls
Chicken Fried Rice
Shanghai Noodles (not sure what its actually called)
But I'm not quiet sure if I have enough to actually purchase these items. Anyone know the price for these items?
Chinese Food: Bamboo House- Prices?
why not give them a call?
get well flowers
I would love to order:
Wor Won Ton
Sweet and Sour Chicken Balls
Chicken Fried Rice
Shanghai Noodles (not sure what its actually called)
But I'm not quiet sure if I have enough to actually purchase these items. Anyone know the price for these items?
Chinese Food: Bamboo House- Prices?
why not give them a call?
get well flowers
How can I help my bamboo?
I have a lucky bamboo plant... I've been sick for awhile and haven't have a chance to give it the full amount of water that it needs. Now two of the littlest stalks are yellow, but the tops are still green. I've watered it extensively and put it right in a window with the window open so it can get fresh air and sunshine. Is there anything else I should/can do to help save my bamboo?
How can I help my bamboo?
if it gets worse then cut part of the stalk. you know how it has those thick stalks and then thin ones with the leaves on it. well if it doesnt improve or actually worsens by may, then cut where the main stalk meets the stalk with the leaves on it. then put the cut stalk in water and wait 2 months.
i did this to my dieing bamboo, and even though the bamboo plant died, the cut stalk that is in a vase with water, has roots and is very green.
good luck.
Reply:not much more i dont think............ just wait for it to come back to you...........
How can I help my bamboo?
if it gets worse then cut part of the stalk. you know how it has those thick stalks and then thin ones with the leaves on it. well if it doesnt improve or actually worsens by may, then cut where the main stalk meets the stalk with the leaves on it. then put the cut stalk in water and wait 2 months.
i did this to my dieing bamboo, and even though the bamboo plant died, the cut stalk that is in a vase with water, has roots and is very green.
good luck.
Reply:not much more i dont think............ just wait for it to come back to you...........
How can I make a bamboo saxophone?
In Science Olympiad, there is a section called "Sounds of Music" in which you must make your own musical instrument and then play a song on it. I would like to make a bamboo saxophone, but I can't find good step-by-step instructions for one. Can somebody please tell me where I can find instructions for making a bamboo saxophone?
How can I make a bamboo saxophone?
There is some information in this discussion: http://www.bamboocraft.net/forums/showth...
but most of the information at the link is in French. I can tell you it will be tricky if you've never made any instrument before- working out where to put the holes takes a lot of skill. If you really want to try one, I would first get a piece of bamboo first thing you must do is take a long drill and drill the inside to make it into a tube. I would then borrow a Recorder (a kind of flute, if you don't know it look it up) and I'd drill the holes into the bamboo spacing them like the recorder. For the mouthpiece I'd get a saxophone mouthpiece, or even a clarinet mouthpiece- the "Bamboo Saxophone" I heard did not sound very much like a sax. Anyhow, trying for a Bamboo Clarinet would be a good first step, certainly an easier one. Might take several tries before you get something that is even close to in tune.
Reply:id like to see you try but if attempted, make sure you do it proprely, its the kind of thing id try and there would be a thousand sall pieces of bamboo all over my garage. i would start with a real saxophone and mimik it properly.
Reply:i wouold look to africa ancient instruments
thats were the saxophone orginated, and though it would sound different be closer then just trying to figure it out
but wouold be a big and exspensive project to try to do though to give you a heads up
How can I make a bamboo saxophone?
There is some information in this discussion: http://www.bamboocraft.net/forums/showth...
but most of the information at the link is in French. I can tell you it will be tricky if you've never made any instrument before- working out where to put the holes takes a lot of skill. If you really want to try one, I would first get a piece of bamboo first thing you must do is take a long drill and drill the inside to make it into a tube. I would then borrow a Recorder (a kind of flute, if you don't know it look it up) and I'd drill the holes into the bamboo spacing them like the recorder. For the mouthpiece I'd get a saxophone mouthpiece, or even a clarinet mouthpiece- the "Bamboo Saxophone" I heard did not sound very much like a sax. Anyhow, trying for a Bamboo Clarinet would be a good first step, certainly an easier one. Might take several tries before you get something that is even close to in tune.
Reply:id like to see you try but if attempted, make sure you do it proprely, its the kind of thing id try and there would be a thousand sall pieces of bamboo all over my garage. i would start with a real saxophone and mimik it properly.
Reply:i wouold look to africa ancient instruments
thats were the saxophone orginated, and though it would sound different be closer then just trying to figure it out
but wouold be a big and exspensive project to try to do though to give you a heads up
Whats the bamboo thing that fills up with water and then lets it back out called?
You know those things in japan (i think?) in the old days where the bamboo like thing gets filled with water and as it gets filled up, it knocks over to one side and lets all the water out and then clinks back so that more water can fill in? Whats that whole device called?
Whats the bamboo thing that fills up with water and then lets it back out called?
A deer scarer
Reply:like this one?
Whats the bamboo thing that fills up with water and then lets it back out called?
A deer scarer
Reply:like this one?
Does anyone own the Wacom Bamboo FUN Tablet?
Does anyone own the Wacom Bamboo FUN Tablet?
I'm looking for a good tablet to use for drawing and coloring and my art creations and I've never owned a tablet but I know most people own a wacom (most the people I know)...there's a computer store close that has a few different ones and I was looking at the Wacom Bamboo FUN one...does anyone have it? If so can you tell me a little about it and give me a personal rating? Thanks!
Does anyone own the Wacom Bamboo FUN Tablet?
I own a black one, and it's the best tablet i've ever used (i've used quiet a few) 5 out of 5.
if there's anything specific you would like to know, just email me (evil_tacos@yahoo.com)
I'm looking for a good tablet to use for drawing and coloring and my art creations and I've never owned a tablet but I know most people own a wacom (most the people I know)...there's a computer store close that has a few different ones and I was looking at the Wacom Bamboo FUN one...does anyone have it? If so can you tell me a little about it and give me a personal rating? Thanks!
Does anyone own the Wacom Bamboo FUN Tablet?
I own a black one, and it's the best tablet i've ever used (i've used quiet a few) 5 out of 5.
if there's anything specific you would like to know, just email me (evil_tacos@yahoo.com)
How can i destroy a bamboo bush, plzz help?
I need to destroy a bamboo bush which is near to my house,bcuz it is so unlike to look but how can i destroy all bamboo without cutting,fireing on it?
plz serious ans.
How can i destroy a bamboo bush, plzz help?
You have got to dig it up completely; every little bit of it. Roots, shoots, twigs, everything.
Reply:You forgot to mention if it's running bamboo or clumping!
If it's running bamboo be prepared to work hard.
Running bamboo
HGTV/Getting Rid of Bamboo
Open the link below and start reading
from /To successfully / See below
To successfully remove bamboo, James suggests stabbing a small shovel around the base of the plant. Gently lift the shovel to remove as much of the plant as possible. Then thoroughly inspect the soil to a depth of about a foot, and remove any roots that remain. "If you leave behind even the tiniest bit of root or rhizome, you'll have more bamboo," says James.
If a neighboring bamboo is infiltrating your yard, there are several ways to treat the problem. Keep in mind that the rhizomes are like underground stems and can travel long distances as well as under fences.
Clumping Bamboo
Before you start the process determine which one you have and that can make your job way easier.
Good Luck to you!
Especially if it's running bamboo.
Reply:use a shovel to cut a circle at theouter limit of where it grows, stopping the baby shoots. make a smaller circle all around to make the plant smaller. find the mother plant and cut a very small circle around it. the last circle should kill all distant plants and if your circle is right, you will kill the base plant as well.
hope that is clear
Reply:dig it up.
Reply:Water it with salted water
Reply:you have to cut it dont burn it
Reply:%26gt;Tactical Nukes.
Seriously, you really will have a job getting rid of it for good...just keep digging out all the roots you can and be very careful not to leave any broken bits of root in the soil...eventually you will be rid of it if you are just a little more aggressive than it is.%26lt;
Reply:yes, you need to dig it out all of it, the roots and you may have to do this a couple if times, but why would you want to, you do know that you can use it to may a little bit of money with it (bamboo fishing poles) and you can eat the shoots is soups and some meat and chicken dishes. well if you want to get rid of it then yes, you have to dig it out and pick up all the twigs sticks and roots.
good luck....cya....
plz serious ans.
How can i destroy a bamboo bush, plzz help?
You have got to dig it up completely; every little bit of it. Roots, shoots, twigs, everything.
Reply:You forgot to mention if it's running bamboo or clumping!
If it's running bamboo be prepared to work hard.
Running bamboo
HGTV/Getting Rid of Bamboo
Open the link below and start reading
from /To successfully / See below
To successfully remove bamboo, James suggests stabbing a small shovel around the base of the plant. Gently lift the shovel to remove as much of the plant as possible. Then thoroughly inspect the soil to a depth of about a foot, and remove any roots that remain. "If you leave behind even the tiniest bit of root or rhizome, you'll have more bamboo," says James.
If a neighboring bamboo is infiltrating your yard, there are several ways to treat the problem. Keep in mind that the rhizomes are like underground stems and can travel long distances as well as under fences.
Clumping Bamboo
Before you start the process determine which one you have and that can make your job way easier.
Good Luck to you!
Especially if it's running bamboo.
Reply:use a shovel to cut a circle at theouter limit of where it grows, stopping the baby shoots. make a smaller circle all around to make the plant smaller. find the mother plant and cut a very small circle around it. the last circle should kill all distant plants and if your circle is right, you will kill the base plant as well.
hope that is clear
Reply:dig it up.
Reply:Water it with salted water
Reply:you have to cut it dont burn it
Reply:%26gt;Tactical Nukes.
Seriously, you really will have a job getting rid of it for good...just keep digging out all the roots you can and be very careful not to leave any broken bits of root in the soil...eventually you will be rid of it if you are just a little more aggressive than it is.%26lt;
Reply:yes, you need to dig it out all of it, the roots and you may have to do this a couple if times, but why would you want to, you do know that you can use it to may a little bit of money with it (bamboo fishing poles) and you can eat the shoots is soups and some meat and chicken dishes. well if you want to get rid of it then yes, you have to dig it out and pick up all the twigs sticks and roots.
good luck....cya....
When will Bamboo blade be subbed? D:?
Hello o-o.
umm..does anyone know when Bamboo Blade will be subbed? D:
When will Bamboo blade be subbed? D:?
it is no use asking. It will be subbed if a team likes the show, and then they will release when they can.
beaded necklace
umm..does anyone know when Bamboo Blade will be subbed? D:
When will Bamboo blade be subbed? D:?
it is no use asking. It will be subbed if a team likes the show, and then they will release when they can.
beaded necklace
Where can I find/get/buy golden bamboo (phyllostachys aurea) seeds or bulbs under a lower budget?
Yes, I know. Very vague, right? So here's some information that could help you help me if anyone would be so kind.
I want to grow Golden Bamboo, which I have read and researched is good to grow in the colder U.S. climates where I live. I want to grow, care for, harvest and make things like flutes, musical instruments, windchimes, staffs and perhaps screens and such. I know it's a bit of a dream knowing I have um...no prior experience, but i've read e-books, and because the Golden Bamboo is a running species, I will hopefully be able to harvest enough for CAREFUL trial and error procedures on the things I'll be making.
Any information on the species is also very much appreciated.
My budget is bendable, but the lowest price you can find would be nice. I would appreciate seeds or bulbs or whatever they call the flowered parts, so I can experience the growth from the very begining, thus learning more about bamboo, which somehow intruiges me deeply. Thanks much.
Where can I find/get/buy golden bamboo (phyllostachys aurea) seeds or bulbs under a lower budget?
At a bulb nursery.
Reply:Just saw them on ebay.
I want to grow Golden Bamboo, which I have read and researched is good to grow in the colder U.S. climates where I live. I want to grow, care for, harvest and make things like flutes, musical instruments, windchimes, staffs and perhaps screens and such. I know it's a bit of a dream knowing I have um...no prior experience, but i've read e-books, and because the Golden Bamboo is a running species, I will hopefully be able to harvest enough for CAREFUL trial and error procedures on the things I'll be making.
Any information on the species is also very much appreciated.
My budget is bendable, but the lowest price you can find would be nice. I would appreciate seeds or bulbs or whatever they call the flowered parts, so I can experience the growth from the very begining, thus learning more about bamboo, which somehow intruiges me deeply. Thanks much.
Where can I find/get/buy golden bamboo (phyllostachys aurea) seeds or bulbs under a lower budget?
At a bulb nursery.
Reply:Just saw them on ebay.
When does bamboo send out new shoots and rhizomes?
I am growing bamboo in a pot and i want to know the best time to transplant it....
i know it is very invasive but i dont care
When does bamboo send out new shoots and rhizomes?
Ours is growing rampant right now. East coast? West Virginia. We put some under a window in our living room cuz the sun comes up there, it gives me shade, privacy and light too. If you are gonna put it in a pot you'll be ok.
Reply:are you sure you have real bamboo or that Lucky Bamboo which isn't really bamboo, Bamboo usually sends out new shoots around mid spring like the end of April, and they grow very fast like a foot a day for a few weeks if there is enough rain
i know it is very invasive but i dont care
When does bamboo send out new shoots and rhizomes?
Ours is growing rampant right now. East coast? West Virginia. We put some under a window in our living room cuz the sun comes up there, it gives me shade, privacy and light too. If you are gonna put it in a pot you'll be ok.
Reply:are you sure you have real bamboo or that Lucky Bamboo which isn't really bamboo, Bamboo usually sends out new shoots around mid spring like the end of April, and they grow very fast like a foot a day for a few weeks if there is enough rain
Custom gold bamboo hoops?
I have been searching high and low for gold bamboo hoops that I can customize with my name... I found one good site but they only allow no more than 9 letters. I have 10 letters in my name. I live in the Los Angeles area so if anyone knows of any swap meets that do this... or if anyone knows of websites that allow more than 9 letters. Please let me know!! thank you!
Custom gold bamboo hoops?
you might be able to make a special request for ten letters. try emailing/mailing/calling the store and ask for a special request. explain that you only want one more letter. hopefully they won't freak out.
Custom gold bamboo hoops?
you might be able to make a special request for ten letters. try emailing/mailing/calling the store and ask for a special request. explain that you only want one more letter. hopefully they won't freak out.
My Lucky Bamboo is turning yellow should I give it some 'Plant Food?'?
The plant has a lamp on it,I give it water every week and I change the water every week, I don't even leave it in an air-conditioned room %26amp; it's in water all the time. Please help I don't want to lose my Lucky Bamboo !
My Lucky Bamboo is turning yellow should I give it some 'Plant Food?'?
Artificial light does very little for your plant. If you can move it to a window it will help things along. Yellowing is most likely caused by too much water pull back on the water and allow your plant to dry in between. Bamboo is a tropical or subtropical plant it needs warmth and sunshine.
Good luck with the lucky bamboo!
God Bless
Reply:why not buy some green paint and paint the yellow leaves.
Reply:Leave it in water and change the water every 2 weeks. Leave it in the Sun and water it every week. Hope your bamboo will get better.
Reply:I own a lucky bamboo too.It just needs plenty of natural sunlight,u can give it food supplements if u wish,it's probably shedding it's old leaves,ready for the new shoots,my plant is doing the same thing at the moment.Just carry on what ur doing.if not why not go to ur local plant centre/nursery and ask them for advice!
Reply:yeah go ahead...
Reply:Not that lucky then is it?
Reply:What works best with my plants is leave them alone, forget to water them, leave them in dirty water, etc. They will grow on their own, that's nature!!
Reply:If the stalk of your lucky bamboo is turning yellow, that is a sure sign of overfeeding.
Carefully remove him from his container. Separate the roots from the rocks or sponge that they are bound in. Place the bamboo into a temporary vase with room temperature distilled water. Wash the container, ensuring you remove any calcium buildup. Sterilize the rocks in boiling water. Cool the rocks with tap water and allow them to air dry. Repot the bamboo in the original vase. The lowest growing node %26lt;they look like a ring around the stem%26gt; should be under the rocks along with the roots. The second lowest growing node should be just above the water level. Now put it near a window and wait. Do not use fertiliser for 4-6 weeks and your plant should recover. If you want to fertilise after that, give it a shake of fish food every 4-6 weeks. From now on, only give him distilled water.
There are even more agressive methods to keep him alive, but i must inform you, they often die once they turn yellow.
domain name registration
My Lucky Bamboo is turning yellow should I give it some 'Plant Food?'?
Artificial light does very little for your plant. If you can move it to a window it will help things along. Yellowing is most likely caused by too much water pull back on the water and allow your plant to dry in between. Bamboo is a tropical or subtropical plant it needs warmth and sunshine.
Good luck with the lucky bamboo!
God Bless
Reply:why not buy some green paint and paint the yellow leaves.
Reply:Leave it in water and change the water every 2 weeks. Leave it in the Sun and water it every week. Hope your bamboo will get better.
Reply:I own a lucky bamboo too.It just needs plenty of natural sunlight,u can give it food supplements if u wish,it's probably shedding it's old leaves,ready for the new shoots,my plant is doing the same thing at the moment.Just carry on what ur doing.if not why not go to ur local plant centre/nursery and ask them for advice!
Reply:yeah go ahead...
Reply:Not that lucky then is it?
Reply:What works best with my plants is leave them alone, forget to water them, leave them in dirty water, etc. They will grow on their own, that's nature!!
Reply:If the stalk of your lucky bamboo is turning yellow, that is a sure sign of overfeeding.
Carefully remove him from his container. Separate the roots from the rocks or sponge that they are bound in. Place the bamboo into a temporary vase with room temperature distilled water. Wash the container, ensuring you remove any calcium buildup. Sterilize the rocks in boiling water. Cool the rocks with tap water and allow them to air dry. Repot the bamboo in the original vase. The lowest growing node %26lt;they look like a ring around the stem%26gt; should be under the rocks along with the roots. The second lowest growing node should be just above the water level. Now put it near a window and wait. Do not use fertiliser for 4-6 weeks and your plant should recover. If you want to fertilise after that, give it a shake of fish food every 4-6 weeks. From now on, only give him distilled water.
There are even more agressive methods to keep him alive, but i must inform you, they often die once they turn yellow.
domain name registration
Is Lucky Bamboo poisonous to cats?
Google has differing viewpoints, as do shelters and vets. Does anyone know the truth? (I was given a lucky bamboo plant, it's quite large, and I know my 2 cats at home will tear it apart.)
Is Lucky Bamboo poisonous to cats?
Bamboo is not toxic to cats.
For a list of all toxic and non-toxic plants:
Reply:Better safe than sorry to not give it to them.
Reply:ASPCA has a good website and if you don't get your answer and you want them to research it, they will do so for a charge.
Reply:If you dont let them eat it, then your fine.
I have lucky bamboo, and my cats are fine.
Reply:MY cat (I have three) eats everything and I mean everything. I can't keep live plants in the house without him nibbling on them so don't take a chance with your cat and the bamboo.
Reply:yes get it away from them
Is Lucky Bamboo poisonous to cats?
Bamboo is not toxic to cats.
For a list of all toxic and non-toxic plants:
Reply:Better safe than sorry to not give it to them.
Reply:ASPCA has a good website and if you don't get your answer and you want them to research it, they will do so for a charge.
Reply:If you dont let them eat it, then your fine.
I have lucky bamboo, and my cats are fine.
Reply:MY cat (I have three) eats everything and I mean everything. I can't keep live plants in the house without him nibbling on them so don't take a chance with your cat and the bamboo.
Reply:yes get it away from them
How do I save my bamboo plant from dying?
My husband bought me one of those lucky bamboo plants that come in a vase like container with water and small stones in it.
Recently one of the stalks of bamboo has turned yellow on the end like its dying. Its not that it doesnt have water and there's still plenty of room in the vase for the roots.
What do I do?
How do I save my bamboo plant from dying?
The plant is a Dracaenas sanderiana.
The plant needs its water changed weekly and it will live happily on old fish tank water, if you keep fish, since this will keep it fed without over doing the fertilizer and it has been dechlorinated.
Yellow leaves are possible with overfeeding or over exposure to sunlight. Change the water immediately, move the container further from the light, and don’t feed at all for several months.
This plant likes high humidity and nonflouridated water. If you are using tap water try distilled or bottled water. Just add a couple of drops of aquarium plant food to the water you use to refill the plants container. But do not feed every time you change the water. Over feeding is very harmful to plants especially such a slow growing one.
Reply:The plant was never intended to live in pure water indefinitely. It's just like cut flowers. If you want to keep it for a prolonged time you need to transplant it into soil.
Reply:most plants turn yellow at the tips as a sign of to much water. if this is true for bamboo plants too then there is your answer. just dont water it as much or put a small spounge in the bottom of the vase to soke up some of the water. seems to work for our plants.
Recently one of the stalks of bamboo has turned yellow on the end like its dying. Its not that it doesnt have water and there's still plenty of room in the vase for the roots.
What do I do?
How do I save my bamboo plant from dying?
The plant is a Dracaenas sanderiana.
The plant needs its water changed weekly and it will live happily on old fish tank water, if you keep fish, since this will keep it fed without over doing the fertilizer and it has been dechlorinated.
Yellow leaves are possible with overfeeding or over exposure to sunlight. Change the water immediately, move the container further from the light, and don’t feed at all for several months.
This plant likes high humidity and nonflouridated water. If you are using tap water try distilled or bottled water. Just add a couple of drops of aquarium plant food to the water you use to refill the plants container. But do not feed every time you change the water. Over feeding is very harmful to plants especially such a slow growing one.
Reply:The plant was never intended to live in pure water indefinitely. It's just like cut flowers. If you want to keep it for a prolonged time you need to transplant it into soil.
Reply:most plants turn yellow at the tips as a sign of to much water. if this is true for bamboo plants too then there is your answer. just dont water it as much or put a small spounge in the bottom of the vase to soke up some of the water. seems to work for our plants.
My Lucky Bamboo is turning yellow should I give it some 'Plant Food?'?
The plant has a lamp on it,I give it water every week and I change the water every week, I don't even leave it in an air-conditioned room %26amp; it's in water all the time. Please help I don't want to lose my Lucky Bamboo !
My Lucky Bamboo is turning yellow should I give it some 'Plant Food?'?
Artificial light does very little for your plant. If you can move it to a window it will help things along. Yellowing is most likely caused by too much water pull back on the water and allow your plant to dry in between. Bamboo is a tropical or subtropical plant it needs warmth and sunshine.
Good luck with the lucky bamboo!
God Bless
Reply:why not buy some green paint and paint the yellow leaves.
Reply:Leave it in water and change the water every 2 weeks. Leave it in the Sun and water it every week. Hope your bamboo will get better.
Reply:I own a lucky bamboo too.It just needs plenty of natural sunlight,u can give it food supplements if u wish,it's probably shedding it's old leaves,ready for the new shoots,my plant is doing the same thing at the moment.Just carry on what ur doing.if not why not go to ur local plant centre/nursery and ask them for advice!
Reply:yeah go ahead...
Reply:Not that lucky then is it?
Reply:What works best with my plants is leave them alone, forget to water them, leave them in dirty water, etc. They will grow on their own, that's nature!!
Reply:If the stalk of your lucky bamboo is turning yellow, that is a sure sign of overfeeding.
Carefully remove him from his container. Separate the roots from the rocks or sponge that they are bound in. Place the bamboo into a temporary vase with room temperature distilled water. Wash the container, ensuring you remove any calcium buildup. Sterilize the rocks in boiling water. Cool the rocks with tap water and allow them to air dry. Repot the bamboo in the original vase. The lowest growing node %26lt;they look like a ring around the stem%26gt; should be under the rocks along with the roots. The second lowest growing node should be just above the water level. Now put it near a window and wait. Do not use fertiliser for 4-6 weeks and your plant should recover. If you want to fertilise after that, give it a shake of fish food every 4-6 weeks. From now on, only give him distilled water.
There are even more agressive methods to keep him alive, but i must inform you, they often die once they turn yellow.
My Lucky Bamboo is turning yellow should I give it some 'Plant Food?'?
Artificial light does very little for your plant. If you can move it to a window it will help things along. Yellowing is most likely caused by too much water pull back on the water and allow your plant to dry in between. Bamboo is a tropical or subtropical plant it needs warmth and sunshine.
Good luck with the lucky bamboo!
God Bless
Reply:why not buy some green paint and paint the yellow leaves.
Reply:Leave it in water and change the water every 2 weeks. Leave it in the Sun and water it every week. Hope your bamboo will get better.
Reply:I own a lucky bamboo too.It just needs plenty of natural sunlight,u can give it food supplements if u wish,it's probably shedding it's old leaves,ready for the new shoots,my plant is doing the same thing at the moment.Just carry on what ur doing.if not why not go to ur local plant centre/nursery and ask them for advice!
Reply:yeah go ahead...
Reply:Not that lucky then is it?
Reply:What works best with my plants is leave them alone, forget to water them, leave them in dirty water, etc. They will grow on their own, that's nature!!
Reply:If the stalk of your lucky bamboo is turning yellow, that is a sure sign of overfeeding.
Carefully remove him from his container. Separate the roots from the rocks or sponge that they are bound in. Place the bamboo into a temporary vase with room temperature distilled water. Wash the container, ensuring you remove any calcium buildup. Sterilize the rocks in boiling water. Cool the rocks with tap water and allow them to air dry. Repot the bamboo in the original vase. The lowest growing node %26lt;they look like a ring around the stem%26gt; should be under the rocks along with the roots. The second lowest growing node should be just above the water level. Now put it near a window and wait. Do not use fertiliser for 4-6 weeks and your plant should recover. If you want to fertilise after that, give it a shake of fish food every 4-6 weeks. From now on, only give him distilled water.
There are even more agressive methods to keep him alive, but i must inform you, they often die once they turn yellow.
Chinese Food: Bamboo House- Prices?
I can't find the menu for Bamboo House. Its a Chinese Restaurant in Temple, a community in Clagary.
I would love to order:
Wor Won Ton
Sweet and Sour Chicken Balls
Chicken Fried Rice
Shanghai Noodles (not sure what its actually called)
But I'm not quiet sure if I have enough to actually purchase these items. Anyone know the price for these items?
Chinese Food: Bamboo House- Prices?
why not give them a call?
flowers anniversary
I would love to order:
Wor Won Ton
Sweet and Sour Chicken Balls
Chicken Fried Rice
Shanghai Noodles (not sure what its actually called)
But I'm not quiet sure if I have enough to actually purchase these items. Anyone know the price for these items?
Chinese Food: Bamboo House- Prices?
why not give them a call?
flowers anniversary
1" diameter bamboo?
Does anyone know an outlet (preferably Norfolk, or mail order) where I can get two 5' lengths of 1" diameter bamboo - plus about 5" of smaller diameter to slot into each one to join them together? It's to make a flag pole that I can take apart to transport to camps etc. I know I can buy them on-line from USA, but want to try and find a cheaper alternative? If you don't know of any outlets - do you have any other (sensible, please!) suggestions?
1" diameter bamboo?
I just searched Google and this came up first:
12 foot 1 1/4" pole for $4. I'd call that pretty cheap.
6 foot 1" pole for $5
Hope this helps.
Reply:Have you considered PVC? It comes in that diameter and lengths up to 10 or 12 feet and is more durable than bamboo.
You can cut it into shorter lengths very easily so it transports well and then use PVC couplers to put it together with at your camp site.
You can even get a PVC base coupler that you can screw onto a large piece of wood as a base for your flag pole. A couple of sand bags could hold it in place.
You can drill a couple of holes at the top for screw eyes so that you can attach your flag properly.
Good luck!
Reply:I just bought some feet long bamboo poles at the Dollar Tree. I*m not sure about the diameter though. Also K Mart had some in the garden dept, but of course they were not a dollar.
1" diameter bamboo?
I just searched Google and this came up first:
12 foot 1 1/4" pole for $4. I'd call that pretty cheap.
6 foot 1" pole for $5
Hope this helps.
Reply:Have you considered PVC? It comes in that diameter and lengths up to 10 or 12 feet and is more durable than bamboo.
You can cut it into shorter lengths very easily so it transports well and then use PVC couplers to put it together with at your camp site.
You can even get a PVC base coupler that you can screw onto a large piece of wood as a base for your flag pole. A couple of sand bags could hold it in place.
You can drill a couple of holes at the top for screw eyes so that you can attach your flag properly.
Good luck!
Reply:I just bought some feet long bamboo poles at the Dollar Tree. I*m not sure about the diameter though. Also K Mart had some in the garden dept, but of course they were not a dollar.
Custom gold bamboo hoops?
I have been searching high and low for gold bamboo hoops that I can customize with my name... I found one good site but they only allow no more than 9 letters. I have 10 letters in my name. I live in the Los Angeles area so if anyone knows of any swap meets that do this... or if anyone knows of websites that allow more than 9 letters. Please let me know!! thank you!
Custom gold bamboo hoops?
you might be able to make a special request for ten letters. try emailing/mailing/calling the store and ask for a special request. explain that you only want one more letter. hopefully they won't freak out.
Custom gold bamboo hoops?
you might be able to make a special request for ten letters. try emailing/mailing/calling the store and ask for a special request. explain that you only want one more letter. hopefully they won't freak out.
When does bamboo send out new shoots and rhizomes?
I am growing bamboo in a pot and i want to know the best time to transplant it....
i know it is very invasive but i dont care
When does bamboo send out new shoots and rhizomes?
Ours is growing rampant right now. East coast? West Virginia. We put some under a window in our living room cuz the sun comes up there, it gives me shade, privacy and light too. If you are gonna put it in a pot you'll be ok.
Reply:are you sure you have real bamboo or that Lucky Bamboo which isn't really bamboo, Bamboo usually sends out new shoots around mid spring like the end of April, and they grow very fast like a foot a day for a few weeks if there is enough rain
i know it is very invasive but i dont care
When does bamboo send out new shoots and rhizomes?
Ours is growing rampant right now. East coast? West Virginia. We put some under a window in our living room cuz the sun comes up there, it gives me shade, privacy and light too. If you are gonna put it in a pot you'll be ok.
Reply:are you sure you have real bamboo or that Lucky Bamboo which isn't really bamboo, Bamboo usually sends out new shoots around mid spring like the end of April, and they grow very fast like a foot a day for a few weeks if there is enough rain
Pergo or bamboo?
Which wears better and is easier to care for: pergo or bamboo?
Pergo or bamboo?
Bamboo is so much nicer than Pergo...eventually the seams of your Pergo will lift and curl. Bamboo has a nice natural wood look. It's also better for the environment; bamboo is a renewable resource.
Reply:Hi, bamboo is much better, pergo or laminated floor looks nice but you have to be carefull with water, if it gets a bit of water the seams will lift.Plus like somebody said here bamboo is all they use in newer homes, has more value.
Reply:pergo is basiclly a plastic finish, Bamboo is is a bush.
Reply:Don't know anything about 'bamboo',
but, I would never again put down a jointed laminate floor . . .
not being able to wash it, like a whole piece of flooring, for fear that the seams would split was a total nuisance . . . never again . . . it's now ceramic tile, or back to sheet linoleum!!!
Reply:Pergo is nice but bamboo is what they are putting in all the newer houses. If your worried about resale value you always need to try to keep up with the trends when upgrading/remodeling.
Reply:i luv tacos
Reply:Bamboo, hands down.----It's environmentally sound, too.
Reply:bamboo ......... almost indestructible.......awesome looking, and at the moment very trendy!
we have bamboo and i wouldn't trade it for anything.....
Reply:bamboo! I have it, it is really easy to care for!
Hope this helps. ;)
I think this will help:
Your welcome!
Reply:Bamboo is a wonderful wood and it is hardier than it looks. I always go for natural wood and bamboo is just beautiful. Also very in right now, yet won't lose it's appeal.
Good LUCK!
Reply:Pergo seems to weaken.... Bamboo is more durable and just looks better.
Pergo or bamboo?
Bamboo is so much nicer than Pergo...eventually the seams of your Pergo will lift and curl. Bamboo has a nice natural wood look. It's also better for the environment; bamboo is a renewable resource.
Reply:Hi, bamboo is much better, pergo or laminated floor looks nice but you have to be carefull with water, if it gets a bit of water the seams will lift.Plus like somebody said here bamboo is all they use in newer homes, has more value.
Reply:pergo is basiclly a plastic finish, Bamboo is is a bush.
Reply:Don't know anything about 'bamboo',
but, I would never again put down a jointed laminate floor . . .
not being able to wash it, like a whole piece of flooring, for fear that the seams would split was a total nuisance . . . never again . . . it's now ceramic tile, or back to sheet linoleum!!!
Reply:Pergo is nice but bamboo is what they are putting in all the newer houses. If your worried about resale value you always need to try to keep up with the trends when upgrading/remodeling.
Reply:i luv tacos
Reply:Bamboo, hands down.----It's environmentally sound, too.
Reply:bamboo ......... almost indestructible.......awesome looking, and at the moment very trendy!
we have bamboo and i wouldn't trade it for anything.....
Reply:bamboo! I have it, it is really easy to care for!
Hope this helps. ;)
I think this will help:
Your welcome!
Reply:Bamboo is a wonderful wood and it is hardier than it looks. I always go for natural wood and bamboo is just beautiful. Also very in right now, yet won't lose it's appeal.
Good LUCK!
Reply:Pergo seems to weaken.... Bamboo is more durable and just looks better.
Do Lucky Bamboo grow after you cut them?
I have a Lucky Bamboo plant, I've heard that you can take cuttings from the stalks. If you cut from the stalk itself and place it in water, will it grow roots and grow taller? And about the leaves that grow off the stalks, can you cut those? Do they grow? Thanks
Do Lucky Bamboo grow after you cut them?
A Yahoo search for "lucky bamboo care" (include the quotation marks in the search box) yields 3,690 results. If you do the same search, and are willing to spend a little time exploring, I'm sure that you will quickly find the information you seek.
Good luck with your search.
Reply:Lucky bamboo is a draceana, treat it as such-meaning what the houseplant books tell you about the species. If you cut the top off the plant and put it in water it will grow roots, and the stump from the other plant will produce new leaves, Cutting just a leaf off the plant will give you nothing.
Reply:If they don't,,,they're not very Lucky ,,,are they?
Reply:what t-square said
Do Lucky Bamboo grow after you cut them?
A Yahoo search for "lucky bamboo care" (include the quotation marks in the search box) yields 3,690 results. If you do the same search, and are willing to spend a little time exploring, I'm sure that you will quickly find the information you seek.
Good luck with your search.
Reply:Lucky bamboo is a draceana, treat it as such-meaning what the houseplant books tell you about the species. If you cut the top off the plant and put it in water it will grow roots, and the stump from the other plant will produce new leaves, Cutting just a leaf off the plant will give you nothing.
Reply:If they don't,,,they're not very Lucky ,,,are they?
Reply:what t-square said
When will Bamboo blade be subbed? D:?
Hello o-o.
umm..does anyone know when Bamboo Blade will be subbed? D:
When will Bamboo blade be subbed? D:?
it is no use asking. It will be subbed if a team likes the show, and then they will release when they can.
umm..does anyone know when Bamboo Blade will be subbed? D:
When will Bamboo blade be subbed? D:?
it is no use asking. It will be subbed if a team likes the show, and then they will release when they can.
Tips For Bamboo?
I Need Some Good Tips For Bamboo :D
Tips For Bamboo?
You are asking about Lucky Bamboo. It is easy to grow. Keep it out of direct sunlight, give it plenty of clean fresh water - usually they grow best in just water with maybe some gravel. It shouldn't need fertilizer but if you think it does use a very weak solution. If you have a lot of chlorine or salts in your water from a water softener you might want to give it distilled water.
Good luck with your bamboo.
Here is some info:
Reply:That is a pretty wide open question. There are sooooo many types of bamboo. Some like it hot, some can take the snow, and return hardy in the spring. Some like lots of moisture, some can't stand to have wet feet. Some clump (grow in a small area) Others run underground and start new in other areas. I hope this helps, but the best source of information is google.
Tips For Bamboo?
You are asking about Lucky Bamboo. It is easy to grow. Keep it out of direct sunlight, give it plenty of clean fresh water - usually they grow best in just water with maybe some gravel. It shouldn't need fertilizer but if you think it does use a very weak solution. If you have a lot of chlorine or salts in your water from a water softener you might want to give it distilled water.
Good luck with your bamboo.
Here is some info:
Reply:That is a pretty wide open question. There are sooooo many types of bamboo. Some like it hot, some can take the snow, and return hardy in the spring. Some like lots of moisture, some can't stand to have wet feet. Some clump (grow in a small area) Others run underground and start new in other areas. I hope this helps, but the best source of information is google.
Has anyone tried one-size bamboo or hemp cloth diapers for your baby and what do you think?
i've read good things about the absorbency and anti-microbial natures of these types of diapers but don't know anyone that has ever actually tried one. because my baby is already over 20 lbs, i would like to buy one-size ones (8-35 lbs-ish) that i can use for subsequent children as well. in doing research, i have discovered that mother-ease ones are the cheapest but does that mean that they are not as good? which kind do you use (hemp or bamboo)? what brand do you use? what do you like/dislike about them? what brand would you recommend? would you even recommend these kinds of diapers? should i consider just buying the hemp or bamboo liners and using those in my existing cloth diapers? thanks for any help you can give!
Has anyone tried one-size bamboo or hemp cloth diapers for your baby and what do you think?
I use Totsbots Bamboozle one-size diapers on my 9 month old for nights. During the day I use pocket diapers with hemp inserts. Both fabrics are wonderfully absorbent! I only use the bamboo diapers at night because I find they are pretty bulky once you put a cover over them. Also, they shouldn't be dried in the dryer after every wash. I notice they are starting to wear out a little. You may not get to use them on more than 2 kids ... I have never tried Motherease diapers but I frequent lots of cloth diapering chat rooms and most people have good things to say about them.
Reply:My children are in their 40s now so I don't have much use for diapers as diapers. We used cotton diapers because disposables were at a premium when our children used them. After the kids no longer needed them, they were used as rags. They, not the originals, LOL, are my primary shop rags. I've tried the hemp diapers as shop rags. They are a bit less (hardly noticeable) absorbent than the cotton ones but do wash more easily. Their texture is different but they don't feel rough or scratchy. I have 1 hemp dress shirt that was sent to me by an overseas friend. I like it. It has a different feel than cotton, but again, it is not rough or scratchy. If we had "little ones" now I would definitely give them a try because they wash more readily.
I have no experience w/ the bamboo, but suspect they would not be as absorbent as the hemp and cotton. But, since I'm an experimenter w/ new things, I would get some and try them as household use rags and wash cloths and determine if they were right for the job as a diaper before wrapping a tender bottom in one.
Reply:No but I do put wood chips down my pants- I'd guess it feels about the same??!
Reply:sounds kinda rough
Reply:I would like to try them...actually biodegradable..helps for those little ones future! something I am for bc if your bringing a child into this world make sure its a healthy world!!
Reply:Cloth diapers rule! Thanks for using them! Hemp is a wonderful, soft, absorbant product that needs to be popularized in the market. FREE THE SEED! Don't smoke the diaper.
myspace layouts
Has anyone tried one-size bamboo or hemp cloth diapers for your baby and what do you think?
I use Totsbots Bamboozle one-size diapers on my 9 month old for nights. During the day I use pocket diapers with hemp inserts. Both fabrics are wonderfully absorbent! I only use the bamboo diapers at night because I find they are pretty bulky once you put a cover over them. Also, they shouldn't be dried in the dryer after every wash. I notice they are starting to wear out a little. You may not get to use them on more than 2 kids ... I have never tried Motherease diapers but I frequent lots of cloth diapering chat rooms and most people have good things to say about them.
Reply:My children are in their 40s now so I don't have much use for diapers as diapers. We used cotton diapers because disposables were at a premium when our children used them. After the kids no longer needed them, they were used as rags. They, not the originals, LOL, are my primary shop rags. I've tried the hemp diapers as shop rags. They are a bit less (hardly noticeable) absorbent than the cotton ones but do wash more easily. Their texture is different but they don't feel rough or scratchy. I have 1 hemp dress shirt that was sent to me by an overseas friend. I like it. It has a different feel than cotton, but again, it is not rough or scratchy. If we had "little ones" now I would definitely give them a try because they wash more readily.
I have no experience w/ the bamboo, but suspect they would not be as absorbent as the hemp and cotton. But, since I'm an experimenter w/ new things, I would get some and try them as household use rags and wash cloths and determine if they were right for the job as a diaper before wrapping a tender bottom in one.
Reply:No but I do put wood chips down my pants- I'd guess it feels about the same??!
Reply:sounds kinda rough
Reply:I would like to try them...actually biodegradable..helps for those little ones future! something I am for bc if your bringing a child into this world make sure its a healthy world!!
Reply:Cloth diapers rule! Thanks for using them! Hemp is a wonderful, soft, absorbant product that needs to be popularized in the market. FREE THE SEED! Don't smoke the diaper.
myspace layouts
Why the bamboo is broken?
I bought bamboo poles from zhejiang, china, but it was broken.
I don't know if it is because of the the weather difference or it was loaded in the container wrongly
Why the bamboo is broken?
What type of broken?
Bamboo splits evenly in a straight line when it is too dry.
Bamboo absorbs water and curls when it's too wet.
I don't know if it is because of the the weather difference or it was loaded in the container wrongly
Why the bamboo is broken?
What type of broken?
Bamboo splits evenly in a straight line when it is too dry.
Bamboo absorbs water and curls when it's too wet.
Does buddha bamboo plants planted in the terrace garden have any adverse effects on the household members?
As per guideines given by our Vastu consultant we planted buddha bamboo plants in four directions of our terrrace garden.Kindly let us know if if these plants have any effects on the family members.
Does buddha bamboo plants planted in the terrace garden have any adverse effects on the household members?
well your consultant could have told you more about this but it is for protection from all directions....it is a spritual thing, to make you feel safe in your home and should not have any visible physical effects on anybody.
Does buddha bamboo plants planted in the terrace garden have any adverse effects on the household members?
well your consultant could have told you more about this but it is for protection from all directions....it is a spritual thing, to make you feel safe in your home and should not have any visible physical effects on anybody.
Can I put store bought bamboo outside?
I have two stalks of bamboo and they are outgrowing thier pot and space. I dont want to buy a bigger pot but i want to put them outside and maybe get more. Is there a difference between the bamboo bought at shoprite or the kind at specialty plant stores? I live in NJ and have seen it grow in the area. Will these two stalks make it or should i get more..and where should i get it?
Can I put store bought bamboo outside?
Actually there are 3 types of bamboo that are native to the US, one of them being known as "switch cane". It also does not seek out water and destroy pipes. I know many other plants that do far more damage than bamboo, with many trees being the majority of the culprits.
As for doing extensive damage to the environment, it actually the opposite. 1 acre of mature bamboo removes 4 times the CO2 from the atmosphere than that same acre planted in trees. It will also mature 10 times faster, therefore removing that much more CO2 in shorter time, therefore HELPING the environment.
Now to the original poster, if your "bamboo" is soft, green, and growing in a pot of water it is a dracaena and not a true bamboo. Planting it outdoors would definitely kill it.
If not then perhaps you do indeed have true bamboo, and most likely it is a runner. If that is the case then yes, planting it outdoors would cause problems if not properly contained in a pot or with rhizome barrier. Perhaps comparing it to some other bamboos online will help you determine what you truly have.
Reply:You can put the outside and they will grow, but you will be doing extensive damage to the environment.
Bamboo is a noxious plant not native to this country. The roots will form tangled mats under ground so thick a back hoe can't dig through them. They crowd out and kill native trees, and other plants. They seek water and destroy sewer and water lines.
It is extremely hard to kill Bamboo growing outdoors. Most sprays won't affect it. I recommend you keep it contained in a pot.
Reply:There are thousands of types of bamboo. Some could be considered noxious weeds but others are quite benign. The answer to your question would depend entirely on what type of bamboo you purchased.
Reply:I get the feeling you have "lucky bamboo" or dracena, not a bamboo at all, if you bought at a supermarket. It's an interior plant and will die outside in New Jersey when cold weather arrives, if it has even left yet.
Can I put store bought bamboo outside?
Actually there are 3 types of bamboo that are native to the US, one of them being known as "switch cane". It also does not seek out water and destroy pipes. I know many other plants that do far more damage than bamboo, with many trees being the majority of the culprits.
As for doing extensive damage to the environment, it actually the opposite. 1 acre of mature bamboo removes 4 times the CO2 from the atmosphere than that same acre planted in trees. It will also mature 10 times faster, therefore removing that much more CO2 in shorter time, therefore HELPING the environment.
Now to the original poster, if your "bamboo" is soft, green, and growing in a pot of water it is a dracaena and not a true bamboo. Planting it outdoors would definitely kill it.
If not then perhaps you do indeed have true bamboo, and most likely it is a runner. If that is the case then yes, planting it outdoors would cause problems if not properly contained in a pot or with rhizome barrier. Perhaps comparing it to some other bamboos online will help you determine what you truly have.
Reply:You can put the outside and they will grow, but you will be doing extensive damage to the environment.
Bamboo is a noxious plant not native to this country. The roots will form tangled mats under ground so thick a back hoe can't dig through them. They crowd out and kill native trees, and other plants. They seek water and destroy sewer and water lines.
It is extremely hard to kill Bamboo growing outdoors. Most sprays won't affect it. I recommend you keep it contained in a pot.
Reply:There are thousands of types of bamboo. Some could be considered noxious weeds but others are quite benign. The answer to your question would depend entirely on what type of bamboo you purchased.
Reply:I get the feeling you have "lucky bamboo" or dracena, not a bamboo at all, if you bought at a supermarket. It's an interior plant and will die outside in New Jersey when cold weather arrives, if it has even left yet.
Is there bamboo in fiji?
is bamboo found in fiji, if not what other plant or tree is wel known
Is there bamboo in fiji?
Hundreds of fern species are found on Fiji as well as many varieties of orchids. Mangroves and a number of aquatic plants can also be found on Fiji’s various islands.
Reply:"The mountainous terrain of Fiji and the tropical marine climate affect the growth of flora in Fiji. The rain bearing clouds rising from the surrounding oceans and seas shed their moisture on the windward side of the mountains. Therefore the development of dense flora is possible in this region.
The rain forests of Fiji are concentrated in this area. BAMBOO thickets and shrubs are found in this region occasionally.
The beaches abound in different kinds of palm trees ranging from silver to fishtail, fantail to umbrella. The most important as well as the most useful being the coconut palm. Every part of the tree is used for some purpose.
Pine trees like Screw pine and Casurina pine are also found. They add to the wonderful flora of Fiji.
The drier parts of Fiji islands are covered with grasslands growing coarse variety of grasses and shrubs.
Mangroves also form a part of the flora of Fiji. Sugar cane is the most popular of cultivated crops.
The orchids and flowering plants add colors to the flora of Fiji. Large and small blossoms bloom throughout the year. Bright colors of the orchid flowers beautify the topography of Fiji.
One of the flower found only in Fiji is Tagimaucia."
Photo of Tagimaucia:
More Photos:
http://hackingfamily.com/Flora_%26amp;_Fauna/t... incl.some details
opera music
Is there bamboo in fiji?
Hundreds of fern species are found on Fiji as well as many varieties of orchids. Mangroves and a number of aquatic plants can also be found on Fiji’s various islands.
Reply:"The mountainous terrain of Fiji and the tropical marine climate affect the growth of flora in Fiji. The rain bearing clouds rising from the surrounding oceans and seas shed their moisture on the windward side of the mountains. Therefore the development of dense flora is possible in this region.
The rain forests of Fiji are concentrated in this area. BAMBOO thickets and shrubs are found in this region occasionally.
The beaches abound in different kinds of palm trees ranging from silver to fishtail, fantail to umbrella. The most important as well as the most useful being the coconut palm. Every part of the tree is used for some purpose.
Pine trees like Screw pine and Casurina pine are also found. They add to the wonderful flora of Fiji.
The drier parts of Fiji islands are covered with grasslands growing coarse variety of grasses and shrubs.
Mangroves also form a part of the flora of Fiji. Sugar cane is the most popular of cultivated crops.
The orchids and flowering plants add colors to the flora of Fiji. Large and small blossoms bloom throughout the year. Bright colors of the orchid flowers beautify the topography of Fiji.
One of the flower found only in Fiji is Tagimaucia."
Photo of Tagimaucia:
More Photos:
http://hackingfamily.com/Flora_%26amp;_Fauna/t... incl.some details
opera music
How do you grow spiral bamboo?
I recently purchased a lucky bamboo plant from a farmers market that came in the shape of a upwards spiral, just like this: http://www.plant-care.com/images/lucky-b...
I was wondering how to keep growing it like that instead of having it grow into straight line from that point on. Anyone know?
How do you grow spiral bamboo?
When the plant grows, it grows in the direction of sunlight. So when the plant is growing, the grower turns the pot the bamboo grows in say, 45o each day or something, having the bamboo grow around something too.
Reply:To make the bamboo spiral, they pull it out of the water for a while and the bamboo softens. It is wrapped around a tube and put back into the water, where it re hardens in the spiral around the tube.
I was wondering how to keep growing it like that instead of having it grow into straight line from that point on. Anyone know?
How do you grow spiral bamboo?
When the plant grows, it grows in the direction of sunlight. So when the plant is growing, the grower turns the pot the bamboo grows in say, 45o each day or something, having the bamboo grow around something too.
Reply:To make the bamboo spiral, they pull it out of the water for a while and the bamboo softens. It is wrapped around a tube and put back into the water, where it re hardens in the spiral around the tube.
When will Bamboo blade be subbed? D:?
Hello o-o.
umm..does anyone know when Bamboo Blade will be subbed? D:
When will Bamboo blade be subbed? D:?
I forget who is subbing it, but last I heard it was already subbbed and just in the process of quality control. So hopefully soon!
I'm curious to ee what this first episode is about as well.
Edit: It's out.
Torrent: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torren...
Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q66ZCDW3
XDCC (on irc.rizon.net): /MSG anon|new XDCC SEND 90
Streams should be up soon, if not already at the usually places.
umm..does anyone know when Bamboo Blade will be subbed? D:
When will Bamboo blade be subbed? D:?
I forget who is subbing it, but last I heard it was already subbbed and just in the process of quality control. So hopefully soon!
I'm curious to ee what this first episode is about as well.
Edit: It's out.
Torrent: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torren...
Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q66ZCDW3
XDCC (on irc.rizon.net): /MSG anon|new XDCC SEND 90
Streams should be up soon, if not already at the usually places.
HELP! my bamboo tree is dying..?
I have a mini bamboo tree about 3-4 inches tall in a mini pot filled with small pebbles...the root is starting to turn yellow and so are some of the leaves...what's wrong and how can I save it? Thanks
HELP! my bamboo tree is dying..?
Most bamboo plants needs to have the roots covered with with water at all times. Mine are in a clear glass vessel so I can see the water level. I water them about three times a week. You might try and keep it watered and it may come out of it but usually if it has gotten to this point you simply need to replace it.
The instructions I received said not to use tap water but to use distilled water. I have had mine about two years.
Good luck
HELP! my bamboo tree is dying..?
Most bamboo plants needs to have the roots covered with with water at all times. Mine are in a clear glass vessel so I can see the water level. I water them about three times a week. You might try and keep it watered and it may come out of it but usually if it has gotten to this point you simply need to replace it.
The instructions I received said not to use tap water but to use distilled water. I have had mine about two years.
Good luck
I have bamboo growing rampant all over my back yard, it's even coming up through my pool liner. Help!?
I don't know how long ago it was planted, it was there when we bought the house 7 years ago. It's getting worse every year, and I can't get my pool clean because dirt is coming through the liner where the bamboo is coming through.
I have bamboo growing rampant all over my back yard, it's even coming up through my pool liner. Help!?
.............There is help you just need to ..........
.................put in some sweat equity.............
There are 2 types of bamboo ........running and clumping..........running bamboo is highly invasive clumping is not. ....Remember bamboo is a grass so you will have to treat is as such.
It is the strongest and biggest grass there is.
Below is a link to a garden forum........
I have copies and pasted part of the information open the link for the rest.
..................IT IS TRULY AMAZING................
.............WHAT CAN GO WRONG..............
If new shoots of bamboo are coming up all over your yard, it is a running bamboo. To get rid of it, there are four steps:
Cut it off.
Cut it down.
Water the area.
Cut it down again.
1. Cut it off. All of the culms (stalks) of bamboo in a clump or grove are interconnected underground by rhizomes (underground stems) unless you have cut them by digging a ditch or cutting a line with a spade. A bamboo grove is usually one single plant, not a group of plants. Many people have the impression that every bamboo culm is a separate “tree.”
If the bamboo in your yard has come across from your neighbor’s yard, separate your grove from his by cutting the connecting rhizomes, which are usually quite shallow. If you don’t, and his part is healthy and vigorous, the rhizomes in your part will still be supported by the photosynthesis in the leaves of his part, and your efforts will be in vain. On the other hand, if you do manage to kill your part with a herbicide you may also kill his part. Lawsuits or at least hard feelings can result.
.......................ANOTHER WAY....................
Kill bamboo with herbicide:
To kill bamboo with herbicide you will need shears, a brush and a pale of herbicide (I have heard that vinegar will work). First, cut the shoot six inches from the ground then within 15 seconds you must paint the herbicide onto the shoot. It is important to paint the herbicide onto the shoot as soon as possible if you do not then you will not kill the bamboo. This is because the sap will retreat back down into the rhizome within 15 seconds and you want the sap to carry the herbicide with it and kill the rhizome. To kill bamboo this way you will want to have only a few shoots.
..........Kill bamboo by containment...............
.................. and starvation:........................
Reply:About the only thing you can do is apply "roundup" full strength. Bamboo is terribly invasive and unless you remove all of it, it will continue to haunt you. Please be advised of all local laws regarding the application of this herbicide and be aware of any pets you may have that may come into contact.
Reply:You have a real problem. The roots of bamboo sprout like weeds, and a minute piece will grow a forest. Poison works the best, but usually cannot be used, and should not be used around your pool. Short answer: Dig up every root, over and over and over.....
Reply:This is just a thought but if you live near a large city with a zoo, they will come and get it if they have pandas. I heard this from the zoo near where I live and it suprised me. Then use Round Up on it and I'd bet it won't come back. Like I said, it's a thought!!!
Reply:WHile I know this is an annoying problem, please don't use
anything that might harm wildlife, your family or the environment.
Here's a suggestion. Put you issue on the Craig's List (www.craigslist.com) in your city or neighborhood under the garden section and in the free section and offer it to anyone who wants it.
Let them come over and dig up what they need. You will have folks wanting it because it will be useful to them and they will do all the work.
Here in NYC I have seen it up on the list along with many other types of plants that spread like wild fire.
Remember, one man/woman's garbage is another's treasure.
Reply:Panda bears eat bamboo, ask China to send a couple over when they've eaten all the bamboo send them back .
flowers birthday
I have bamboo growing rampant all over my back yard, it's even coming up through my pool liner. Help!?
.............There is help you just need to ..........
.................put in some sweat equity.............
There are 2 types of bamboo ........running and clumping..........running bamboo is highly invasive clumping is not. ....Remember bamboo is a grass so you will have to treat is as such.
It is the strongest and biggest grass there is.
Below is a link to a garden forum........
I have copies and pasted part of the information open the link for the rest.
..................IT IS TRULY AMAZING................
.............WHAT CAN GO WRONG..............
If new shoots of bamboo are coming up all over your yard, it is a running bamboo. To get rid of it, there are four steps:
Cut it off.
Cut it down.
Water the area.
Cut it down again.
1. Cut it off. All of the culms (stalks) of bamboo in a clump or grove are interconnected underground by rhizomes (underground stems) unless you have cut them by digging a ditch or cutting a line with a spade. A bamboo grove is usually one single plant, not a group of plants. Many people have the impression that every bamboo culm is a separate “tree.”
If the bamboo in your yard has come across from your neighbor’s yard, separate your grove from his by cutting the connecting rhizomes, which are usually quite shallow. If you don’t, and his part is healthy and vigorous, the rhizomes in your part will still be supported by the photosynthesis in the leaves of his part, and your efforts will be in vain. On the other hand, if you do manage to kill your part with a herbicide you may also kill his part. Lawsuits or at least hard feelings can result.
.......................ANOTHER WAY....................
Kill bamboo with herbicide:
To kill bamboo with herbicide you will need shears, a brush and a pale of herbicide (I have heard that vinegar will work). First, cut the shoot six inches from the ground then within 15 seconds you must paint the herbicide onto the shoot. It is important to paint the herbicide onto the shoot as soon as possible if you do not then you will not kill the bamboo. This is because the sap will retreat back down into the rhizome within 15 seconds and you want the sap to carry the herbicide with it and kill the rhizome. To kill bamboo this way you will want to have only a few shoots.
..........Kill bamboo by containment...............
.................. and starvation:........................
Reply:About the only thing you can do is apply "roundup" full strength. Bamboo is terribly invasive and unless you remove all of it, it will continue to haunt you. Please be advised of all local laws regarding the application of this herbicide and be aware of any pets you may have that may come into contact.
Reply:You have a real problem. The roots of bamboo sprout like weeds, and a minute piece will grow a forest. Poison works the best, but usually cannot be used, and should not be used around your pool. Short answer: Dig up every root, over and over and over.....
Reply:This is just a thought but if you live near a large city with a zoo, they will come and get it if they have pandas. I heard this from the zoo near where I live and it suprised me. Then use Round Up on it and I'd bet it won't come back. Like I said, it's a thought!!!
Reply:WHile I know this is an annoying problem, please don't use
anything that might harm wildlife, your family or the environment.
Here's a suggestion. Put you issue on the Craig's List (www.craigslist.com) in your city or neighborhood under the garden section and in the free section and offer it to anyone who wants it.
Let them come over and dig up what they need. You will have folks wanting it because it will be useful to them and they will do all the work.
Here in NYC I have seen it up on the list along with many other types of plants that spread like wild fire.
Remember, one man/woman's garbage is another's treasure.
Reply:Panda bears eat bamboo, ask China to send a couple over when they've eaten all the bamboo send them back .
flowers birthday
Making a Bamboo blowgun...?
How do I bore out the bamboo tube for a 4 foot blowgun?
Making a Bamboo blowgun...?
lmfao i love this question!
if i were you id break it down into 4 parts, 1ft each and either use a woodlathe with a jawchauk or drill press. careful not to blow it out.
got another idea
cut the tube of bamboo inhalf and use a router to go through both pieces, then glue or strap back together
Reply:I dont know but when you find out let me know!!! Then again maybe not, I might get into trouble with a blowgun!! hahaha.
Making a Bamboo blowgun...?
lmfao i love this question!
if i were you id break it down into 4 parts, 1ft each and either use a woodlathe with a jawchauk or drill press. careful not to blow it out.
got another idea
cut the tube of bamboo inhalf and use a router to go through both pieces, then glue or strap back together
Reply:I dont know but when you find out let me know!!! Then again maybe not, I might get into trouble with a blowgun!! hahaha.
What is the best looking bamboo? Also how do I grow bamboo inside?
What bamboo is the best and how can I grow it inside if I live in washington. What do I need eg, a special type of soil, pot lamp etc
What is the best looking bamboo? Also how do I grow bamboo inside?
Be prepared for how many species of bamboo is available. do research first before growing it. Make sure to plant according to instructions.
2 kinds of bamboo running and clumping running is invasive clumping is not.
Looks at the links below for container growing.
Container Bamboo
Our Favorite Indoor Bamboo
Indoor Bamboo
check out these links - they're quite informative %26amp; useful
Reply:Bamboo is a grass and it is VERY fast growing. I would check with your local nursery to get some ideas on growing bamboo inside in your area, because available sunlight and all those factors will likely make a difference what type you can grow. Be aware, though, if it gets out into your yard, you will have a forest of bamboo in no time
What is the best looking bamboo? Also how do I grow bamboo inside?
Be prepared for how many species of bamboo is available. do research first before growing it. Make sure to plant according to instructions.
2 kinds of bamboo running and clumping running is invasive clumping is not.
Looks at the links below for container growing.
Container Bamboo
Our Favorite Indoor Bamboo
Indoor Bamboo
check out these links - they're quite informative %26amp; useful
Reply:Bamboo is a grass and it is VERY fast growing. I would check with your local nursery to get some ideas on growing bamboo inside in your area, because available sunlight and all those factors will likely make a difference what type you can grow. Be aware, though, if it gets out into your yard, you will have a forest of bamboo in no time
My Green Bamboo plant in my home is turning yellow..I am from Chicago is the weather a factor?
It says to keep away from sunlight and I have what happed to my bamboo?
My Green Bamboo plant in my home is turning yellow..I am from Chicago is the weather a factor?
In most plants, I'd say they'd received too much water - but it's just about impossible to drown a bamboo! While it shouldn't be exposed to direct sunlight, it does need bright light to grow, so it may not be getting enough light. You may also want to be sure that it's in an area that's warm, as bamboo is essentially a tropical plant. You might also consider giving it an occasional feeding with a liquid fertilizer mixed at about 1/4 the usual strength on the label. Good luck!
Reply:fertilizing is bad for bamboo. Report It
Reply:Weather is THE factor......actually light. If you have noticed, your bamboo probably does best in really bright extended light. Mine is doing the same thing. But, as a master gardener, I am just trying to pull it through til spring when it will get light for longer periods each day. Also, keep it watered and make sure it is not too root bound.....good luck
Reply:weather could be a factor however you did not mention where you are now
Reply:indoor bamboo has to be fertilized every few months, just add some regular Miracle Grow, regular plant formula. to the water, a half a teaspoon should do fine, then every few months add a bit more.
Reply:I think you water it too much.
My Green Bamboo plant in my home is turning yellow..I am from Chicago is the weather a factor?
In most plants, I'd say they'd received too much water - but it's just about impossible to drown a bamboo! While it shouldn't be exposed to direct sunlight, it does need bright light to grow, so it may not be getting enough light. You may also want to be sure that it's in an area that's warm, as bamboo is essentially a tropical plant. You might also consider giving it an occasional feeding with a liquid fertilizer mixed at about 1/4 the usual strength on the label. Good luck!
Reply:fertilizing is bad for bamboo. Report It
Reply:Weather is THE factor......actually light. If you have noticed, your bamboo probably does best in really bright extended light. Mine is doing the same thing. But, as a master gardener, I am just trying to pull it through til spring when it will get light for longer periods each day. Also, keep it watered and make sure it is not too root bound.....good luck
Reply:weather could be a factor however you did not mention where you are now
Reply:indoor bamboo has to be fertilized every few months, just add some regular Miracle Grow, regular plant formula. to the water, a half a teaspoon should do fine, then every few months add a bit more.
Reply:I think you water it too much.
My LUCKY BAMBOO's end is turning yellow and I give it drinking water, should I give it some Vitamins?What kind
The Lucky Bamboo is under a lamp does it effect?
My LUCKY BAMBOO's end is turning yellow and I give it drinking water, should I give it some Vitamins?What kind
The yellowing could be from lack of fertilizer. The Japanese restaurant I work at has a lot of bamboo. Once a month I change the water, and add a very small amount of liquid Miracle Gro. It seems to work well. The lamp shouldn't affect your plant. Good luck!
Reply:Just as a note... "Lucky Bamboo" is not really bamboo. Do a Google search- it's related to irises if I remember correctly... Report It
Reply:I bought one 3 yrs ago, since it was getting very tall, I pinched the end of the top to stop it from getting taller; when I asked about the care, they said a little water, no fertilizer, not too much light, and because I like my lucky bamboo, I change the water as needed. It doesn't drink much, requires very little care. Mine also has some older growth that gets yellow, but I think its ok to break off.
Reply:do not give it too much water and change it's water once in two weeks. i hope it will get better soon!
Reply:well we can't live on water alone so plants need food too and the earth is not enough so feed it ... lamp post should not bother it
Reply:I have seen bamboo grow quite large in water only -- no dirt. Change the water often. If you use tap water, leave it in the sun for 24 hours to release some of the chlorine. Or use spring water.
Reply:Change the water and make sure its not over filled
Reply:OK, first of all, you are NOT giving it too much water unless the leaves are submerged. Bamboo loves lots of water, so that's not the prob. I think a little liquid Miracle Gro and not too much light. The lamp may be drying it out. Keep it in indirect light only. The leaves burn easily. And never get water or fertilizer on the leaves, as this can also burn them. Also, you could try filtered water. Your tap water might have too much chlorine in it, possibly.
Reply:Nitrogen---give it nitrogen
Dog Teeth
My LUCKY BAMBOO's end is turning yellow and I give it drinking water, should I give it some Vitamins?What kind
The yellowing could be from lack of fertilizer. The Japanese restaurant I work at has a lot of bamboo. Once a month I change the water, and add a very small amount of liquid Miracle Gro. It seems to work well. The lamp shouldn't affect your plant. Good luck!
Reply:Just as a note... "Lucky Bamboo" is not really bamboo. Do a Google search- it's related to irises if I remember correctly... Report It
Reply:I bought one 3 yrs ago, since it was getting very tall, I pinched the end of the top to stop it from getting taller; when I asked about the care, they said a little water, no fertilizer, not too much light, and because I like my lucky bamboo, I change the water as needed. It doesn't drink much, requires very little care. Mine also has some older growth that gets yellow, but I think its ok to break off.
Reply:do not give it too much water and change it's water once in two weeks. i hope it will get better soon!
Reply:well we can't live on water alone so plants need food too and the earth is not enough so feed it ... lamp post should not bother it
Reply:I have seen bamboo grow quite large in water only -- no dirt. Change the water often. If you use tap water, leave it in the sun for 24 hours to release some of the chlorine. Or use spring water.
Reply:Change the water and make sure its not over filled
Reply:OK, first of all, you are NOT giving it too much water unless the leaves are submerged. Bamboo loves lots of water, so that's not the prob. I think a little liquid Miracle Gro and not too much light. The lamp may be drying it out. Keep it in indirect light only. The leaves burn easily. And never get water or fertilizer on the leaves, as this can also burn them. Also, you could try filtered water. Your tap water might have too much chlorine in it, possibly.
Reply:Nitrogen---give it nitrogen
Dog Teeth
Iron Settings for a 100% Bamboo shirt?
Hi, I got a 100% bamboo shirt and the care instructions leaflet were disposed off.
I have an Iron box with those dotted settings.
1 Dot I used for sythetic Fibers
2 Dots I use for cottons
and 3 dots is the maximum heat setting.
Which heat setting would be best for 100% Bamboo on the iron?
Iron Settings for a 100% Bamboo shirt?
Have the setting at 1 Dot.
Do not go higher than the Synthetic Fiber setting.
Do not steam iron. Do not add water to the iron in case that will be your next question. It will stain the 100% Bamboo shirt.
Further information:
Reply:Use the rayon/silk setting, which is low heat, I guess 1 dot on your iron. If you find it's not effective, just turn it up slightly until you get the creases out. Bamboo fabric shouldn't hold wrinkles much, so a mild heat and quick iron should do the job fine.
I have an Iron box with those dotted settings.
1 Dot I used for sythetic Fibers
2 Dots I use for cottons
and 3 dots is the maximum heat setting.
Which heat setting would be best for 100% Bamboo on the iron?
Iron Settings for a 100% Bamboo shirt?
Have the setting at 1 Dot.
Do not go higher than the Synthetic Fiber setting.
Do not steam iron. Do not add water to the iron in case that will be your next question. It will stain the 100% Bamboo shirt.
Further information:
Reply:Use the rayon/silk setting, which is low heat, I guess 1 dot on your iron. If you find it's not effective, just turn it up slightly until you get the creases out. Bamboo fabric shouldn't hold wrinkles much, so a mild heat and quick iron should do the job fine.
How to transplant a Lucky bamboo?
I have a lucky bamboo plant and the pot its in is a little small how do u go about transplanting a lucky bamboo I have no ideas and would like some sugestions thnxs so much
How to transplant a Lucky bamboo?
Lucky bamboo is a very hearty plant and it is very difficult to hurt. Purchase a small bag of planter mix and a suitable pot. Put some mix in the pot and compress, put the bamboo in the pot and add mix, compressing to work out any air pockets and then water.
Reply:OK, here is a simple answer.
Like any other houseplant, Lucky Bamboo can be transferred to a vase or pot 2" larger than the original, or planted permanently into gravel/small rocks, loose sand or soil mixture that provides lots of bottom drainage. To avoid root rot, be careful to let the top of the soil dry out between waterings.
Do not use tap water as the flouride can cause yellowing of the leaves--keeping it too wet can also cause root rot.
Occasional liquid fertilizer and indirect light are all else that is needed.
Reply:Is your 'Lucky bamboo' in dirt or in rocks/pebbles that you must keep water in to cover the roots?
Either way, get a container that is 1/2-1" larger than your old container. Fill it with the SAME TYPE of 'stuff' (dirt or pebbles) to 1/3 full, and have more to add after you have moved your plant.
CAREFULLY tip the plant so that it's on it's side with the pot slightly higher than the top of the plant. Strike the bottom of the pot with your hand several times, then gently pull on the plant ... it should come out fairly easily, but if it doesn't, then you'll need to very carefully PRY the plant out.
Get rid of the dirt or 'pebbles' that are stuck to the plant but do NOT do this to the roots. If the root ball is large and 'tight' then you should use your fingers to GENTLY get air to the roots and 'spread them.'
Put the plant into the new pot at the level you want it to 'sit' at (hold it in your hand) and add the dirt/pebbles until it is sitting 'by itself' and is steady. Water and feed (if necessary) and set the plant in a nice LIGHT spot but NOT in the direct sunlight ... leave it there for three days, then put it back where it was sitting before. Your lucky bamboo should be lucky for you until it gets 'too big for it's britches (pot)' again.
How to transplant a Lucky bamboo?
Lucky bamboo is a very hearty plant and it is very difficult to hurt. Purchase a small bag of planter mix and a suitable pot. Put some mix in the pot and compress, put the bamboo in the pot and add mix, compressing to work out any air pockets and then water.
Reply:OK, here is a simple answer.
Like any other houseplant, Lucky Bamboo can be transferred to a vase or pot 2" larger than the original, or planted permanently into gravel/small rocks, loose sand or soil mixture that provides lots of bottom drainage. To avoid root rot, be careful to let the top of the soil dry out between waterings.
Do not use tap water as the flouride can cause yellowing of the leaves--keeping it too wet can also cause root rot.
Occasional liquid fertilizer and indirect light are all else that is needed.
Reply:Is your 'Lucky bamboo' in dirt or in rocks/pebbles that you must keep water in to cover the roots?
Either way, get a container that is 1/2-1" larger than your old container. Fill it with the SAME TYPE of 'stuff' (dirt or pebbles) to 1/3 full, and have more to add after you have moved your plant.
CAREFULLY tip the plant so that it's on it's side with the pot slightly higher than the top of the plant. Strike the bottom of the pot with your hand several times, then gently pull on the plant ... it should come out fairly easily, but if it doesn't, then you'll need to very carefully PRY the plant out.
Get rid of the dirt or 'pebbles' that are stuck to the plant but do NOT do this to the roots. If the root ball is large and 'tight' then you should use your fingers to GENTLY get air to the roots and 'spread them.'
Put the plant into the new pot at the level you want it to 'sit' at (hold it in your hand) and add the dirt/pebbles until it is sitting 'by itself' and is steady. Water and feed (if necessary) and set the plant in a nice LIGHT spot but NOT in the direct sunlight ... leave it there for three days, then put it back where it was sitting before. Your lucky bamboo should be lucky for you until it gets 'too big for it's britches (pot)' again.
Why does bamboo bring luck?!?!?
I have it and it is not bringging luck and it's called luckey bamboo
Why does bamboo bring luck?!?!?
the lucky bamboo you buy in the store is not actually a type of bamboo ...its a type of Dracena... so to answer your question...
the only luck bamboo could bring you is if you desire a plant that grows faster than you can tame it...
Reply:lol it doesnt i dont think
Reply:it brings luck to the person who sold it cause they got money for it
Why does bamboo bring luck?!?!?
the lucky bamboo you buy in the store is not actually a type of bamboo ...its a type of Dracena... so to answer your question...
the only luck bamboo could bring you is if you desire a plant that grows faster than you can tame it...
Reply:lol it doesnt i dont think
Reply:it brings luck to the person who sold it cause they got money for it
My lucky bamboo's leaves are turning white and the tips are turning a bit brown. It only has a bit of sun.
The plant get a slight bit of sun from a frosted window. Why would it be turning light green and having the tips turn light brown. Does it need fertilizer or a bigger bowl?? Please help!! I have had my bamboo for 4 years.
My lucky bamboo's leaves are turning white and the tips are turning a bit brown. It only has a bit of sun.
Take it out of the frosted window.
flowers and gifts
My lucky bamboo's leaves are turning white and the tips are turning a bit brown. It only has a bit of sun.
Take it out of the frosted window.
flowers and gifts
Friday, January 27, 2012
Another Betta question re Lucky Bamboo as a Snack?
As soon as I got my rescue fish home, I looked around the house for a "water plant" that was non-toxic to put in with him as a "soother". I had some Lucky Bamboo ( Dracena / Dracaena sanderiana ) and I cut off a 2" section that had new growth on it. I am awaiting receipt of ordered Java Moss and Ball Moss so I didn't want to shell out too much more for plants in the meantime. I put it in the tank and the old growth section floats and lets the new shoots hang down. They have been munching on the greens and seem to enjoy using it to hide and play. They particularly seem to like the green outer layer of the old growth. If I plan to use this like a treat/ snack and change it out regularly, can you see any harm in that? Since they are enjoying it, what I figure is that when I do a complete tank change once a week, I'll change out the bamboo and use the old ones as cuttings to grow more.
Another Betta question re Lucky Bamboo as a Snack?
Bettas are carnivorous,they eat meaty foods. they need bloodworms,daphnia,crushed krill,etc. They just play with plant, The bamboo plant will not do any harm and will help the bio=system.
Reply:I didn't mean answers on this question necessarily. . . I meant in general and in my experience on other boards. Didn't mean to offend. Deborah Report It
Reply:They are not vegetarian,they are insectivores.
Reply:Um the bamboo should be healthy and grow, there would be no reason to change it. Betta fish do not eat plants, they might be picking at it looking for insects or small creators to come out, as this is what they naturally eat.
Also its not a good idea to change all the water every week, having some algae growth is healthy, recommend cleaning half the tank once a month and then at the end of the month cleaning the entire tank. Over cleaning may kill your fish.
If you need to clean your tank this much then you are over feeding your fish. Remember a "hungry fish is a healthy fish. "
Another Betta question re Lucky Bamboo as a Snack?
Bettas are carnivorous,they eat meaty foods. they need bloodworms,daphnia,crushed krill,etc. They just play with plant, The bamboo plant will not do any harm and will help the bio=system.
Reply:I didn't mean answers on this question necessarily. . . I meant in general and in my experience on other boards. Didn't mean to offend. Deborah Report It
Reply:They are not vegetarian,they are insectivores.
Reply:Um the bamboo should be healthy and grow, there would be no reason to change it. Betta fish do not eat plants, they might be picking at it looking for insects or small creators to come out, as this is what they naturally eat.
Also its not a good idea to change all the water every week, having some algae growth is healthy, recommend cleaning half the tank once a month and then at the end of the month cleaning the entire tank. Over cleaning may kill your fish.
If you need to clean your tank this much then you are over feeding your fish. Remember a "hungry fish is a healthy fish. "
Who knows Bamboo?
I have a Bamboo plant. It's in a dish full of rocks and water.
Am I supposed to change the water? It's looking kinda nasty.
If yes, change it all at once?
Who knows Bamboo?
you can change it, won't hurt anything. just dump it all and refill
Am I supposed to change the water? It's looking kinda nasty.
If yes, change it all at once?
Who knows Bamboo?
you can change it, won't hurt anything. just dump it all and refill
Gaps on Bamboo floor?
I'm installing bamboo floor, and there are some gaps in several of the joinings. Especially where the livingroom (vertical) meets the corrider (horizontal) and the panels run in a different. I was trying to avoid putting a treshold there. I remember hearing about a filler (like grout for hardwood floor) Does anyone know what that is? Or another way to work with this?
Gaps on Bamboo floor?
i dont recommend using crout or other stuff
your better off installing a filler with a T cap to join both
since your using a laminated flooring expansion play a big part in it
30 yrs master carpenter
Reply:grout is an ugly way to cover a problem. A "T" cap expansion strip is better to use in a floating floor. Make sure you are running square to what is already lay-ed down. Using a framing square and a level to extend your line farther off of the square is a good way if you do not know how to do the 3/4/5 triangle for a square extension. 3ft one way from an axis point and 4 ft perpendicular and 5 ft connecting the hypotenuse of 3ft and 4ft line. Then snap line from original axis point thru the 5ft intersecting point down the hall. This will be a reference line to keep you square and straight. It is important to be straight in a hallway. If your original floor is not perpendicular with hall, you must use a "T"strip to cover seem and follow parallel with the hallway wall.
The manufacturer will have expansion "T" strip recommendations for their product. It also may depend on the climate in which you live in.
Reply:hi...a threshold is your most logical option it's officially called a "t molding" of which you can get that will match your bamboo flooring...if you do not want a threshold get the color appropriate WOOD FILLER for bamboo floors. Go to Lowes and go to the flooring department and they will be able to show you various flooring fillers. But like I said before the best looking and the right way to do it would be a threshold, because what your trying to attempt is for actual floor layers to attempt so your vertical and your horizonatal are flush like a T and then you would put a small amount of matching wood floor filler. Good luck...i work at Lowes in the flooring department and your not alone....
Gaps on Bamboo floor?
i dont recommend using crout or other stuff
your better off installing a filler with a T cap to join both
since your using a laminated flooring expansion play a big part in it
30 yrs master carpenter
Reply:grout is an ugly way to cover a problem. A "T" cap expansion strip is better to use in a floating floor. Make sure you are running square to what is already lay-ed down. Using a framing square and a level to extend your line farther off of the square is a good way if you do not know how to do the 3/4/5 triangle for a square extension. 3ft one way from an axis point and 4 ft perpendicular and 5 ft connecting the hypotenuse of 3ft and 4ft line. Then snap line from original axis point thru the 5ft intersecting point down the hall. This will be a reference line to keep you square and straight. It is important to be straight in a hallway. If your original floor is not perpendicular with hall, you must use a "T"strip to cover seem and follow parallel with the hallway wall.
The manufacturer will have expansion "T" strip recommendations for their product. It also may depend on the climate in which you live in.
Reply:hi...a threshold is your most logical option it's officially called a "t molding" of which you can get that will match your bamboo flooring...if you do not want a threshold get the color appropriate WOOD FILLER for bamboo floors. Go to Lowes and go to the flooring department and they will be able to show you various flooring fillers. But like I said before the best looking and the right way to do it would be a threshold, because what your trying to attempt is for actual floor layers to attempt so your vertical and your horizonatal are flush like a T and then you would put a small amount of matching wood floor filler. Good luck...i work at Lowes in the flooring department and your not alone....
Planting a Bamboo Shoot?
I have a bamboo shoot rooting in water. It's ready to plant but I have no idea what kind of soil to plant it in or how much water and sunlight it needs.
Planting a Bamboo Shoot?
You don't need soil. Take a colored glass container because it will get dirty inside (more in a minute). Hold the stalk upright in the middle of the glass and anchor in place with marbles or smooth aquarium stone from a pet store. Fill with water and add more when it needs it. They like a fairly bright room but not directly in the sun. Finally, don't take the plants out and clean them. My mum and sisters kill these plants because they are in clear glass and they don't like how it gets dirty. You wouldn't pull your regular plants out and wash them off, right? Mine have been great for four years now.
Reply:sandy soil is fine or at least a mix with sand..Lots of sun is good and so is water..i don t think you can over water it......but if you plant it in your yard first put it in a 10 " pot or bigger if you want a larger mass, with the " bottom cut out". This will keep it from spreading out in the yard as it will send out roots that sprout new shoots...It can get out of control after a few years. Otherwise keep it in a pot with a matching saucer,sandy mixed soil with good amount of sun and water it well and let it dry before rewatering......
Reply:Plant in decorative rocks and fill with water. It will do fine in your kitchen window sill or your living room mantle or bathroom.
Reply:Any soil can do..
bamboo is quite excellent on planting in extreme condition.
just my advise lots of water %26amp; feterlizer once a while..
Rubber Slippers
Planting a Bamboo Shoot?
You don't need soil. Take a colored glass container because it will get dirty inside (more in a minute). Hold the stalk upright in the middle of the glass and anchor in place with marbles or smooth aquarium stone from a pet store. Fill with water and add more when it needs it. They like a fairly bright room but not directly in the sun. Finally, don't take the plants out and clean them. My mum and sisters kill these plants because they are in clear glass and they don't like how it gets dirty. You wouldn't pull your regular plants out and wash them off, right? Mine have been great for four years now.
Reply:sandy soil is fine or at least a mix with sand..Lots of sun is good and so is water..i don t think you can over water it......but if you plant it in your yard first put it in a 10 " pot or bigger if you want a larger mass, with the " bottom cut out". This will keep it from spreading out in the yard as it will send out roots that sprout new shoots...It can get out of control after a few years. Otherwise keep it in a pot with a matching saucer,sandy mixed soil with good amount of sun and water it well and let it dry before rewatering......
Reply:Plant in decorative rocks and fill with water. It will do fine in your kitchen window sill or your living room mantle or bathroom.
Reply:Any soil can do..
bamboo is quite excellent on planting in extreme condition.
just my advise lots of water %26amp; feterlizer once a while..
Rubber Slippers
Does bamboo make you high?
My friend says that eating bamboo will make you "high," which is why pandas are always so slow and lazy. Can anyone comfirm this?
Does bamboo make you high?
No it won't make you high, bamboo does not even make pandas high. The reason that pandas are very slow moving and lazy is that Bamboo is very low in nutrition. Pandas eat about 40 pounds (18 kg) of bamboo each day. Even though the panda eats this plant, it cannot digest it very well and most of the bamboo passes undigested through the digestive tract. It has to eat for up to 12 hours every day in order to get enough nourishment. Its throat and stomach have extra-tough linings to protect them from the tough food.
Reply:What will make a panda high and what will make you high are two different things. Try smelling some catnip and see what happens.
Does bamboo make you high?
No it won't make you high, bamboo does not even make pandas high. The reason that pandas are very slow moving and lazy is that Bamboo is very low in nutrition. Pandas eat about 40 pounds (18 kg) of bamboo each day. Even though the panda eats this plant, it cannot digest it very well and most of the bamboo passes undigested through the digestive tract. It has to eat for up to 12 hours every day in order to get enough nourishment. Its throat and stomach have extra-tough linings to protect them from the tough food.
Reply:What will make a panda high and what will make you high are two different things. Try smelling some catnip and see what happens.
Lucky bamboo?
i bought a lucky bamboo plant and its in a little dish of water, i was wondering should i pot it into soil? or will it be best just in water? i want to make it a house plant that will grow but surely it must be in soil to grow roots and last a long time.
Lucky bamboo?
I sell lucky bamboo. The best thing to do is keep it in water. If you want you can give it a few stones to hold it in place, but the lucky bamboo is all from China, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia and while it is there, it lives in the water and doesn't get any sunlight. Here's some tips:
-Water you bamboo every three days.
-Give your plant indirect sunlight.
-Feed your plant with a fertilizer such as "Green Green" about once a week.
Hope that helps!
Reply:They do not need soil, just the water. You will however need to use a liquid plant food on them occasionally. Bamboo are fabulously easy to grow and require little light to flourish, making them an ideal house plant. You should keep the vase or whatever it is in full at all times. Just top it off every couple of days.
Reply:They only need water. Bought my daughter one as a housewarming plant and it has grown incredibly well. Just top up the water now and again.
Reply:Feng Shui bamboo is known to be one of the hardiest plants and therefore a symbol of health and wealth. Thing to take care is to keep the water clean and fresh avoiding stagnation at all times. Best to allow tap water stand in an open container for a day before using it for the plant.
Reply:I have two separate bamboo plants - mind you I'm still somewhat of an amateur, but all I do is top off my plants with distilled water every week or two. One of them is insanely huge. Oh, and by the way, I make sure that they are not in direct sunlight. The guy I bought them from told me that a surefire way to KILL the bamboo is to put it in a sunny window. Hope that helps!
Lucky bamboo?
I sell lucky bamboo. The best thing to do is keep it in water. If you want you can give it a few stones to hold it in place, but the lucky bamboo is all from China, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia and while it is there, it lives in the water and doesn't get any sunlight. Here's some tips:
-Water you bamboo every three days.
-Give your plant indirect sunlight.
-Feed your plant with a fertilizer such as "Green Green" about once a week.
Hope that helps!
Reply:They do not need soil, just the water. You will however need to use a liquid plant food on them occasionally. Bamboo are fabulously easy to grow and require little light to flourish, making them an ideal house plant. You should keep the vase or whatever it is in full at all times. Just top it off every couple of days.
Reply:They only need water. Bought my daughter one as a housewarming plant and it has grown incredibly well. Just top up the water now and again.
Reply:Feng Shui bamboo is known to be one of the hardiest plants and therefore a symbol of health and wealth. Thing to take care is to keep the water clean and fresh avoiding stagnation at all times. Best to allow tap water stand in an open container for a day before using it for the plant.
Reply:I have two separate bamboo plants - mind you I'm still somewhat of an amateur, but all I do is top off my plants with distilled water every week or two. One of them is insanely huge. Oh, and by the way, I make sure that they are not in direct sunlight. The guy I bought them from told me that a surefire way to KILL the bamboo is to put it in a sunny window. Hope that helps!
My bamboo plant is dying and it smells bad too?
I got a bamboo plant at Wal-Mart a few months back. Recently I've noticed it beginning to get yellow from the bottom up. I had three stalks to begin with but threw one away because it acually began to get mold on it. This is starting to happen to another of the stalks. When I remove them to change the water it smells SO bad! When I bought the plant it was encased in some weird gelatin plant food stuff, and was doing fine. After a while I noticed there wasn't much gel left in there so I've been giving it water from the sink and keeping it in the window. How can I save it?
My bamboo plant is dying and it smells bad too?
Most people don't realize that this isn't a bamboo at all. It is dracaena. One of the biggest complaints about this house plant is that it begins yellowing and dies several months after someone gets one.
The general reason is that this plant does not tolerate chlorinated water at all, and most homes have it.
Since you are using tap water, I suspect that is your problem. The best thing you can do is remove all of the dead parts being careful of the small roots on the still living parts.
Wash the living parts with nonchlorinated bottled water and then put them in a clean glass jar so that they are standing straight. Put about one inch of water in the jar. Wait a couple of days and change the water again. You may need to do it several times and might be able to save the remaining plant segments in this way, but I think you are going to have to replace it.
Reply:I am a certified doctor, A.K.A Panda Bear, I've come to realize that your bamboo plant is dying and smells bad. Your first mistake was going to wal-mart for greenery, what i would have done was taken the first available red eye, to southern Asia and picked some bamboo trees for myself, fully aware of the enormously hostile panda bears. I have choosen the alias panda bear in memory of my struggle.
NOTE: Beware of traveling Gypsys, They eat bamboo plants that smell, and those in their way.
Reply:you really cant. it needs that geletin thing. so i guess your going to have to get a new one and buy more of that geletin stuff
Reply:Then throw it away! And no it wont live!
Reply:i think you should start again. it sounds like it molded and has died. good luck
My bamboo plant is dying and it smells bad too?
Most people don't realize that this isn't a bamboo at all. It is dracaena. One of the biggest complaints about this house plant is that it begins yellowing and dies several months after someone gets one.
The general reason is that this plant does not tolerate chlorinated water at all, and most homes have it.
Since you are using tap water, I suspect that is your problem. The best thing you can do is remove all of the dead parts being careful of the small roots on the still living parts.
Wash the living parts with nonchlorinated bottled water and then put them in a clean glass jar so that they are standing straight. Put about one inch of water in the jar. Wait a couple of days and change the water again. You may need to do it several times and might be able to save the remaining plant segments in this way, but I think you are going to have to replace it.
Reply:I am a certified doctor, A.K.A Panda Bear, I've come to realize that your bamboo plant is dying and smells bad. Your first mistake was going to wal-mart for greenery, what i would have done was taken the first available red eye, to southern Asia and picked some bamboo trees for myself, fully aware of the enormously hostile panda bears. I have choosen the alias panda bear in memory of my struggle.
NOTE: Beware of traveling Gypsys, They eat bamboo plants that smell, and those in their way.
Reply:you really cant. it needs that geletin thing. so i guess your going to have to get a new one and buy more of that geletin stuff
Reply:Then throw it away! And no it wont live!
Reply:i think you should start again. it sounds like it molded and has died. good luck
Im Looking for Lucky Bamboo Products??
Im Looking for Lucky Bamboo Products??
Where can i find online store for lucky bamboo?
Im Looking for Lucky Bamboo Products??
Discover the mystical unique beauty of Lucky Bamboos at Americangiftclub.com!
We are located in the heart of the Los Angeles commerce area. In business since 1987, our direct growers from Asia and our loyal customers here in the United States have enjoyed our commitment to 100% customer satisfaction and quick customer service.
We would like to share with you our expertise and most importantly the joy of owning these magnificent product of nature. Whether it be a solace spot in your bedroom or a well planned wedding reception, our bamboos will surely delight your senses and bring you luck, prosperity, long life and happiness.
"Live Happy, Live Lucky, Live Lucky Bamboo!!!"
Reply:google it.
Reply:hey bamboo hunter,,
try ebay!! never know what u'll find there www.ebay.com
get well flowers
Where can i find online store for lucky bamboo?
Im Looking for Lucky Bamboo Products??
Discover the mystical unique beauty of Lucky Bamboos at Americangiftclub.com!
We are located in the heart of the Los Angeles commerce area. In business since 1987, our direct growers from Asia and our loyal customers here in the United States have enjoyed our commitment to 100% customer satisfaction and quick customer service.
We would like to share with you our expertise and most importantly the joy of owning these magnificent product of nature. Whether it be a solace spot in your bedroom or a well planned wedding reception, our bamboos will surely delight your senses and bring you luck, prosperity, long life and happiness.
"Live Happy, Live Lucky, Live Lucky Bamboo!!!"
Reply:google it.
Reply:hey bamboo hunter,,
try ebay!! never know what u'll find there www.ebay.com
get well flowers
Is Bamboo Fun easy to use by left handers?
I'm thinking about getting a Bamboo Fun. I thought it would be extremely helpful with my artwork. The only problem is that I don't know anyone who has one, so I can't test out to see if it's lefthander friendly. If you're not lefthanded but have one, could you please kind of try it out with your lefthand (weird question but it will be uber helpful).
If it isn't, is there any art tablets that are lefthander friendly and not really expensive?
Is Bamboo Fun easy to use by left handers?
I have one, and I think its great, not left handed though XD But after using it I personally don't think it would be a problem. I cog mine at circuit city, it seems the smaller tablets can run from 150 to 250 such as the 4x6 and the bigger ones can run from 250 to 500.
If it isn't, is there any art tablets that are lefthander friendly and not really expensive?
Is Bamboo Fun easy to use by left handers?
I have one, and I think its great, not left handed though XD But after using it I personally don't think it would be a problem. I cog mine at circuit city, it seems the smaller tablets can run from 150 to 250 such as the 4x6 and the bigger ones can run from 250 to 500.
Banded bamboo shark?
Do banded bamboo sharks only come in night
Banded bamboo shark?
Yes. They are nocturnal, according to the info. I found on a couple of websites.
Here is a site with more info. about them:-
Banded bamboo shark?
Yes. They are nocturnal, according to the info. I found on a couple of websites.
Here is a site with more info. about them:-
Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen sometimes not responding when using Painter Essentials?
I just installed Bamboo Fun, it works fine for most stuff but I realized sometimes the pen just wont work (you can see the pen moving but nothing comes out) when I am using certain brush/pen style (just simple drawing on a new document nothing fancy), but when I tried the same brush style or pen style using my laptop touchpad or mouse, it responded (pen moving and colour, strokes appeared).
Would it be a USB problem? But then why only some brush/pen styles are affected and not all? I would be trying another USB port later on to test it again. Anyone experienced this before? Any help? Thanks.
Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen sometimes not responding when using Painter Essentials?
i had the same problem once. i uninstalled it and then reinstalled it. i think it was a little currupt. try that it might help
Would it be a USB problem? But then why only some brush/pen styles are affected and not all? I would be trying another USB port later on to test it again. Anyone experienced this before? Any help? Thanks.
Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen sometimes not responding when using Painter Essentials?
i had the same problem once. i uninstalled it and then reinstalled it. i think it was a little currupt. try that it might help
Replanting bamboo?
i have been given some 6-9 ft bamboo which i have planted i watered them well and put some feed in but after a week or 2 the leaves are dying does this mean im going to lose the plants or will they come back
Replanting bamboo?
Bamboo is a vigorous feeder and drinker. The trick is cut the leaves right back about two thirds. This will help the plant re-establish. In this hot weather give it copius amounts of water and the soil must drain well.
Beware once bamboo establishes it really spreads quickly,,enjoy.
Marty http://www.apartment-gardening-homes.com
It sounds like your Bamboo is in shock. This is normal of many plant specimens after they have been transplanted. With your plant being six to nine feet tall, this was an established plant. Established plants tend to have a tougher time adjusting to transplanting.
Check the branch of the Bamboo by scratching your finger or a small knife on the surface. If it is green inside, your plant is alive. If it is brown, it is in shock. You can loosen the soil and add some organic mushroom compost to your soil. This is an organic fertilizer and will last up to one year. Make sure you keep it watered. Hopefully in a few weeks the root system will become established in its new environment.
I hope this has helped some. Bamboo is a tropical plant and needs some sand in the soil. I will link you to the site map of my website as this page has everything that is on the website. Browse through and see if you can find any other information that may help you. There is an article on new trees in shock. The other concern I have for you is Bamboo has a massive root system and hopefully the mother root did not get damaged. Good luck to you with your Bamboo. I hope it survives. Have a great day!
Reply:Very difficult to kill bamboo.The place where each leaf is dying will drop off and a new leaf will replace it.If the whole plant did die(which it won't)new shoots will appear from the soil.
What l would do to speed things up is cut down the biggest stems about 25% so the plant stress is reduced
Reply:If this is a spreading bamboo, plant in a container and then sink the container in the ground. If you don't do this, you will have a mess, as bamboo takes over, even going under fences and sidewalks, etc.
As to it surviving, cut it back, and water well, It will evidently come back. Trust me, you can't kill bamboo. It takes over, and for some reason, every home I've lived in seemed to have a neighbor who wanted bamboo. Sadly, I ended up with more of it then they did. I hate it.
Reply:As long as there was a good root on the bamboo and the soil is suitable, then it should recover.
Reply:Until the roots get well-established I would prune the plants back by up to 1/3. If the plant doesn't have to struggle to maintain the top growth as much then the roots can get stronger.
Good Growing!!!
The Muse
Replanting bamboo?
Bamboo is a vigorous feeder and drinker. The trick is cut the leaves right back about two thirds. This will help the plant re-establish. In this hot weather give it copius amounts of water and the soil must drain well.
Beware once bamboo establishes it really spreads quickly,,enjoy.
Marty http://www.apartment-gardening-homes.com
It sounds like your Bamboo is in shock. This is normal of many plant specimens after they have been transplanted. With your plant being six to nine feet tall, this was an established plant. Established plants tend to have a tougher time adjusting to transplanting.
Check the branch of the Bamboo by scratching your finger or a small knife on the surface. If it is green inside, your plant is alive. If it is brown, it is in shock. You can loosen the soil and add some organic mushroom compost to your soil. This is an organic fertilizer and will last up to one year. Make sure you keep it watered. Hopefully in a few weeks the root system will become established in its new environment.
I hope this has helped some. Bamboo is a tropical plant and needs some sand in the soil. I will link you to the site map of my website as this page has everything that is on the website. Browse through and see if you can find any other information that may help you. There is an article on new trees in shock. The other concern I have for you is Bamboo has a massive root system and hopefully the mother root did not get damaged. Good luck to you with your Bamboo. I hope it survives. Have a great day!
Reply:Very difficult to kill bamboo.The place where each leaf is dying will drop off and a new leaf will replace it.If the whole plant did die(which it won't)new shoots will appear from the soil.
What l would do to speed things up is cut down the biggest stems about 25% so the plant stress is reduced
Reply:If this is a spreading bamboo, plant in a container and then sink the container in the ground. If you don't do this, you will have a mess, as bamboo takes over, even going under fences and sidewalks, etc.
As to it surviving, cut it back, and water well, It will evidently come back. Trust me, you can't kill bamboo. It takes over, and for some reason, every home I've lived in seemed to have a neighbor who wanted bamboo. Sadly, I ended up with more of it then they did. I hate it.
Reply:As long as there was a good root on the bamboo and the soil is suitable, then it should recover.
Reply:Until the roots get well-established I would prune the plants back by up to 1/3. If the plant doesn't have to struggle to maintain the top growth as much then the roots can get stronger.
Good Growing!!!
The Muse
Wacom Bamboo Tablet HELP!!?
I'v bought myself a small Bamboo Tablet, and I have installed the "ArtRage 2" cd onto my Mac OSX... it works fine in illustrator and paint, but when it comes to writing text it won't work! If anyone can help? Either reply here or my email is
Thank you!!
Wacom Bamboo Tablet HELP!!?
Does this software include something called OCR (text recognition). That is what you need for text.
Thank you!!
Wacom Bamboo Tablet HELP!!?
Does this software include something called OCR (text recognition). That is what you need for text.
Wacom Bamboo tablet eraser not working!!?
I have a Wacom Bamboo FUN tablet I got for Christmas and I had it only installed on my desktop, but I just recently got a laptop and now everything is different. The eraser doesn't work. It's not pressure-sensitive anymore and more. But,the only two I really want fixed are the pressure sensitive and erasing problems.
For the eraser, all I used to have to do is flip the pen over to erase, but it doesn't do that anymore. I went to TABLET PEN options and set it to erasing, but when I got to Photoshop, it doesn't work. Do you know what to do?
For the pressure-sensitive problem, I'm not too sure how to set it for pressure-sensitive artwork, I guess, but, it should already be set like that, but DOESN'T work!!! Can someone help, please?!!
Wacom Bamboo tablet eraser not working!!?
it's faulty so send it back for servicing.
beaded necklace
For the eraser, all I used to have to do is flip the pen over to erase, but it doesn't do that anymore. I went to TABLET PEN options and set it to erasing, but when I got to Photoshop, it doesn't work. Do you know what to do?
For the pressure-sensitive problem, I'm not too sure how to set it for pressure-sensitive artwork, I guess, but, it should already be set like that, but DOESN'T work!!! Can someone help, please?!!
Wacom Bamboo tablet eraser not working!!?
it's faulty so send it back for servicing.
beaded necklace
Wacom Bamboo Tablet good for Open Canvas?
Is the Wacom Bamboo tablet, a good tablet to use with Open Canvas?
Wacom Bamboo Tablet good for Open Canvas?
Its one of the best I know of.
Wacom Bamboo Tablet good for Open Canvas?
Its one of the best I know of.
Where Can I find Bamboo Stalks or Stakes?
I found this project that is cheap %26amp; easy to do in a magazine from Home Depot. ~ A Bamboo Tee-pee.
In the magazine, doesnt say where U can get them.
I checked Home Depot's web site %26amp; found nothing.
I live in Arizona %26amp; not sure if any1 carries these here.
So my ?s are:
Where Can I Find Bamboo Stalks or Stakes Locally? ~ If Not
Where Can I Order Them From?
Where Can I find Bamboo Stalks or Stakes?
walmart has bamboo stalks in the hobby aisle near the artificial flowers %26amp; plants.
Reply:Try ebay.
In the magazine, doesnt say where U can get them.
I checked Home Depot's web site %26amp; found nothing.
I live in Arizona %26amp; not sure if any1 carries these here.
So my ?s are:
Where Can I Find Bamboo Stalks or Stakes Locally? ~ If Not
Where Can I Order Them From?
Where Can I find Bamboo Stalks or Stakes?
walmart has bamboo stalks in the hobby aisle near the artificial flowers %26amp; plants.
Reply:Try ebay.
Lucky bamboo centerpieces?
Hi, I'm looking to use heart shaped lucky bamboo plants as my wedding centerpieces...question is... I'm not sure what to use to make them tall or wide enough to not be dwarfed by the big round tables they will be on... any suggestions?
Lucky bamboo centerpieces?
I would put grass around it. Often you see bamboo planted in long strips with wheat grass around it.
That would look very nice. A mirror surrounded by wood, river rocks. As you are using hearts, red (along with being a traditional element) would not only be appropriate but also make the green bamboo jump out more.
You could also use more traditional chinese/ feng shui arrangements using metal and wood, red and yellow.
Reply:Hi Kimberly and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
I looked some of those up and it looks to me like they come in sizes ranging from 8", 10" or 12"....so that is already tall enough!!
I would put them in a low chunky vases like this:
OR round ones like this:
And put something in the vase around the plant like "vase gems" to add some color. Put it all on a square or round mirror and then you can put some more "vase gems" around on top of the mirror if you want. That would look really pretty.
Just be sure NOT to make the centerpiece too tall. You don't want to obstruct people's vision trying to talk with someone on the other side of the table.
Good luck!
Lucky bamboo centerpieces?
I would put grass around it. Often you see bamboo planted in long strips with wheat grass around it.
That would look very nice. A mirror surrounded by wood, river rocks. As you are using hearts, red (along with being a traditional element) would not only be appropriate but also make the green bamboo jump out more.
You could also use more traditional chinese/ feng shui arrangements using metal and wood, red and yellow.
Reply:Hi Kimberly and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
I looked some of those up and it looks to me like they come in sizes ranging from 8", 10" or 12"....so that is already tall enough!!
I would put them in a low chunky vases like this:
OR round ones like this:
And put something in the vase around the plant like "vase gems" to add some color. Put it all on a square or round mirror and then you can put some more "vase gems" around on top of the mirror if you want. That would look really pretty.
Just be sure NOT to make the centerpiece too tall. You don't want to obstruct people's vision trying to talk with someone on the other side of the table.
Good luck!
Big Bamboo Song?
When in Ocho Rios , Sandals Resort a few years back , we heard the Big Bamboo song played . I am looking for the exact copy of that version ... It was a live recording and done in an more modern way . If someone says Yellowman without know what they are talking about , don't waist my time . If you know of this version , Please point me in the right direction .
Big Bamboo Song?
Hey! So funny, just came back from Sandals myself in St. Lucia, I downloaded the song and the artist was called "Jamaican Calypso" Nothing really specific. My version is a live recording I have as well, the same one they played at my resort. I've heard MerryMen (sp?) also make a similar version. Contact me if you need more help!
domain name registration
Big Bamboo Song?
Hey! So funny, just came back from Sandals myself in St. Lucia, I downloaded the song and the artist was called "Jamaican Calypso" Nothing really specific. My version is a live recording I have as well, the same one they played at my resort. I've heard MerryMen (sp?) also make a similar version. Contact me if you need more help!
domain name registration
Drawf bamboo?
what the heck is a drawf lucky bamboo? and what other kinds are out there?
Drawf bamboo?
Dwarf Bamboo
It's a Bonsai
Lucky Bamboo is actually a Dracaena (Dracaena sanderiana)
[Here's the thing: It's not really lucky. And it's not really bamboo.]
Reply:more like dwarf lol
plus, can i hav my answer chosen as the best and receive a thumbs-up?
Drawf bamboo?
Dwarf Bamboo
It's a Bonsai
Lucky Bamboo is actually a Dracaena (Dracaena sanderiana)
[Here's the thing: It's not really lucky. And it's not really bamboo.]
Reply:more like dwarf lol
plus, can i hav my answer chosen as the best and receive a thumbs-up?
Blu bamboo sat 24.03.2007?
NEWCASTLE BLU BAMBOO....met a nice lady who was with her m8 said she lived in low fell, looks like tracey barlow(from corrie) gave her a bit ov chewing gum ..lol her m8 is from lobley hill in gateshead ...do you know her i did'nt get any detail's and would love to meet up with her agin under diff circumstance's so if you know owt plz drop a line....p.s.she sat next to me while her m8 was boogieing away hehehe
Blu bamboo sat 24.03.2007?
Sounds like my girlfriend. Was she called Claire? I'm half-joking but it could be her, she goes to Blu Bamboo (as do I on Thursdays sometimes). She has a mate in Gateshead (Karen) but don't know if it is Lobley Hill she lives.
Reply:Hey i have that same problem with a guy i seen in Morrisons last wednesday * sighs* it sucks doesn't it :(
P.S i don't know her sorry :(
Blu bamboo sat 24.03.2007?
Sounds like my girlfriend. Was she called Claire? I'm half-joking but it could be her, she goes to Blu Bamboo (as do I on Thursdays sometimes). She has a mate in Gateshead (Karen) but don't know if it is Lobley Hill she lives.
Reply:Hey i have that same problem with a guy i seen in Morrisons last wednesday * sighs* it sucks doesn't it :(
P.S i don't know her sorry :(
Can bamboo be grown from the culm/stem? if so how?
i have a very nice bamboo culm. can i grow it? it doesnt have any roots, but new shoots are growing. i saoked the bottom in water, but it just rotted and died. how can i grow it?
Can bamboo be grown from the culm/stem? if so how?
stick it into some wet moist loose medium like miracle grow starter soil. keep it moist but not soppy. and put it in the window. It should root by itself.
Reply:stick the thing in the soil till it covers the base up to the new shoots. it will put out roots all over where there is dirt on it. be sure to watch the water levels don';t let it get too dry, but do not,,,, do not,,,,,,let it sit in sloppy mud. it will rot for sure if Report It
Reply:All I know is this Chinese joint next to my work had a tiny bamboo chute - with one leaf poking off the side - sitting in a pot with soil next to the register. Years later it's been moved to a table across the room it's getting so big.
Reply:Bamboo is an invasive plant if you are going to try and grow it out doors. You will need to maintain it and keep it at bay. Bamboo can grow as quickly as 1 foot per day.
Can bamboo be grown from the culm/stem? if so how?
stick it into some wet moist loose medium like miracle grow starter soil. keep it moist but not soppy. and put it in the window. It should root by itself.
Reply:stick the thing in the soil till it covers the base up to the new shoots. it will put out roots all over where there is dirt on it. be sure to watch the water levels don';t let it get too dry, but do not,,,, do not,,,,,,let it sit in sloppy mud. it will rot for sure if Report It
Reply:All I know is this Chinese joint next to my work had a tiny bamboo chute - with one leaf poking off the side - sitting in a pot with soil next to the register. Years later it's been moved to a table across the room it's getting so big.
Reply:Bamboo is an invasive plant if you are going to try and grow it out doors. You will need to maintain it and keep it at bay. Bamboo can grow as quickly as 1 foot per day.
Can bamboo grow in an aquarium?
i have a 55 gallon tall show tank and i want to place bamboo in it instead of fake plants, will they live?
Can bamboo grow in an aquarium?
"Lucky" bamboo is not bamboo at all, and although it can grow hydroponically, it is not actually an aquatic plant. It must grow above the surface as well or it will eventually die and begin to rot.
Reply:yes,!! actually it can. Because some people grow bamboo in water, not soil. so try and find the bamboo-also known as 'lucky bamboo', which is already planted in water, so your plant wont have any shock and die. good luck.
Reply:actual bamboo will grow out of your tank faster than you can crop it down. "lucky bamboo" will thrive in the water but the little leaf shoots will turn black and die. if you want really good easy to take care of plants go with java fern and java moss. you just tie them to a rock or driftwood and sink em -- you and do the same with plants from the family anubias -- i like the anubias -- they look more like tropical house plants than water plants and on occasion will put out little flowers.
Reply:no cuz it cant grow under water only in the jungle or zoos
flowers anniversary
Can bamboo grow in an aquarium?
"Lucky" bamboo is not bamboo at all, and although it can grow hydroponically, it is not actually an aquatic plant. It must grow above the surface as well or it will eventually die and begin to rot.
Reply:yes,!! actually it can. Because some people grow bamboo in water, not soil. so try and find the bamboo-also known as 'lucky bamboo', which is already planted in water, so your plant wont have any shock and die. good luck.
Reply:actual bamboo will grow out of your tank faster than you can crop it down. "lucky bamboo" will thrive in the water but the little leaf shoots will turn black and die. if you want really good easy to take care of plants go with java fern and java moss. you just tie them to a rock or driftwood and sink em -- you and do the same with plants from the family anubias -- i like the anubias -- they look more like tropical house plants than water plants and on occasion will put out little flowers.
Reply:no cuz it cant grow under water only in the jungle or zoos
flowers anniversary
Are Bamboo cutting boards worth the extra money?
I was told that bamboo cutting boards are the best in terms of not causing wear and tear on your knives (I have very exspensive knives!).
Is to worth paying about twice as much compared to how it will "save" my exspensive knives?
Keep in mind I cook daily too.
Are Bamboo cutting boards worth the extra money?
Bamboo is the one of the Earth's fastest reproducing resources/plants... the cost of a bamboo cutting board (or any other bamboo item) might seem high in the US as it is most likely imported... and handmade. Much like organic food, the organic/green product market is growing, but still not in high demand throughout the US. You can find inexpensive bamboo... and other wood... products if you shop around. Regardless of what type of cutting board you use, you'll still need to sharpen your knives regularly if you want to take care of them. Even expensive knives need to be sharpened to be at their best... beyond sharpening the only way to "save" them is to learn how to use them.
Reply:Kolhs bamboo cutting boards are on sale - don't know where you live however. They are very inexpensive here.
Is to worth paying about twice as much compared to how it will "save" my exspensive knives?
Keep in mind I cook daily too.
Are Bamboo cutting boards worth the extra money?
Bamboo is the one of the Earth's fastest reproducing resources/plants... the cost of a bamboo cutting board (or any other bamboo item) might seem high in the US as it is most likely imported... and handmade. Much like organic food, the organic/green product market is growing, but still not in high demand throughout the US. You can find inexpensive bamboo... and other wood... products if you shop around. Regardless of what type of cutting board you use, you'll still need to sharpen your knives regularly if you want to take care of them. Even expensive knives need to be sharpened to be at their best... beyond sharpening the only way to "save" them is to learn how to use them.
Reply:Kolhs bamboo cutting boards are on sale - don't know where you live however. They are very inexpensive here.
About bamboo?
does bamboo hedges stay green all year round?
About bamboo?
It depends on where you live and what type of bamboo you decide to grow--bamboo comes in several colors and several sizes at maturity--some growing 60-70 feet tall.
However, bamboo keeps it's color year 'round as long as it can tolerate the climate as far as the cold factor is concerned.
Because bamboo is very adaptable in warm climates, it can grow fast and far as it is invasive in nature. If you want to keep it in its place, you may want to consider digging a trench about 2 feet deep or deeper by about 8 inches and filling it with concrete before planting your bamboo--you would want the trench to form the periphery of the area that the bamboo can spread to. Your neighbors will thank you.
Reply:I experienced bamboo in Maine where it has now become the number 1 most invasive weed in the state. It did not stay green in the winter. In the warmer climates it remains green but in the colder climates it sheds its leaves. It is becoming a nationwide nuisance and plans are under way in almost every state to try and get rid of bamboo. It now surpasses purple loosestrife.
Reply:some are semi evergreen and some the leaves change colour slightly but most r evergreem
Reply:yes. we have a bamboo forest behind out house, and they stay green all year round. i live in north texas. they are pretty invasive though.
About bamboo?
It depends on where you live and what type of bamboo you decide to grow--bamboo comes in several colors and several sizes at maturity--some growing 60-70 feet tall.
However, bamboo keeps it's color year 'round as long as it can tolerate the climate as far as the cold factor is concerned.
Because bamboo is very adaptable in warm climates, it can grow fast and far as it is invasive in nature. If you want to keep it in its place, you may want to consider digging a trench about 2 feet deep or deeper by about 8 inches and filling it with concrete before planting your bamboo--you would want the trench to form the periphery of the area that the bamboo can spread to. Your neighbors will thank you.
Reply:I experienced bamboo in Maine where it has now become the number 1 most invasive weed in the state. It did not stay green in the winter. In the warmer climates it remains green but in the colder climates it sheds its leaves. It is becoming a nationwide nuisance and plans are under way in almost every state to try and get rid of bamboo. It now surpasses purple loosestrife.
Reply:some are semi evergreen and some the leaves change colour slightly but most r evergreem
Reply:yes. we have a bamboo forest behind out house, and they stay green all year round. i live in north texas. they are pretty invasive though.
Lucky Bamboo question?
I bought a Lucky Bamboo plant thats nice and "full" looking in a ceramic vase and it has no soil in it, just these decorative green rocks. I have it always in water and always changing the water also.
For it to grow, do I need to add soil or can I just leave it in the water with the rocks it came with? Because I would hate to disturb it after its established the way I bought it.
Lucky Bamboo question?
No, you do not need to add soil. Leave it as it is. If you want it to grow faster, place where it can have bright indirect light. I've had mine in a vase for more than 2 years and it is just fine.
For it to grow, do I need to add soil or can I just leave it in the water with the rocks it came with? Because I would hate to disturb it after its established the way I bought it.
Lucky Bamboo question?
No, you do not need to add soil. Leave it as it is. If you want it to grow faster, place where it can have bright indirect light. I've had mine in a vase for more than 2 years and it is just fine.
Planting a wall of bamboo?
My friend has an annoying neighbor and wants to plant bamboo across her fence to block their view.
1. Best bamboo for this About 10 to 15 feet high.
2. Easily maintainable
3. Good, thick coverage
4. Priced low if possible
Planting a wall of bamboo?
I disagree with the fact that you agree with the opinions of a few that know nothing about the growth habits of bamboo.
Certainly if a running species is planted without the proper precautions it can become "invasive". That is why I have planted in my yard "neighbor friendly" bamboo, in other words clumpers. They slowly grow outward and can be trimmed ground level to keep the stand from getting too wide. They require little maintenance and in a few short years will be reaching their maximum height.
For a height of 10 to 15 feet, shrubs would be a nightmare to keep pruned to maintain a pleasant appearance. I can't imagine trying to stand on a ladder with hedge clippers and trimming them!
With many varieties of clumping bamboo to choose from I would plant bamboo before anything else. Two small divisions of bamboo can cover over 16 linear feet of fence and be 20 feet tall in less than 3 years! I know of no shrubs that will achieve that goal in such a short time!
Of course your climate will determine which bamboo will do best. There are tropical clumpers that prefer temps above the mid 20's, some that withstand temps into the 10's, and yet others that withstand tmeps below freezing.
Some to consider would be B. Multiplex Alphonse Karr, B. mutabilis, and Fargesia Nitida.
The bamboos to avoid would be any bamboo that starts with "phyllostachys" as these are runners and MUST be contained in a residential environment.
Plus on the talk of cost, you may find someone in your area that is willing to give you divisions for FREE!
Reply:It will take years for anything to grow to a considerable size. She's better off putting up a higher privacy fence.
Reply:I don't recommend bamboo because once you plant it, it is a very agressive plant and can become uncontrollable, even sprouting on the other side of the fence. If the neighbor is easily annoyed as well as annoying, this could be bad. Bamboo can take over your whole backyard if you aren't careful.
Try some small trees or large shrubs instead. Another option, extend the height of the fence with something decorative. Go to a local nursery, Lowes, or Home Depot and ask a professional for their opinion.
Reply:I highly disagree with bamboo being easily maintainable. A friend of mine had bamboo at her fence line and it was hard to keep it from taking over the yard. Might want to consider evergreen bushes. They are easier to maintain, because they won't try to take over the yard. They grow well in sunlight with ample watering.
Reply:not all bamboos are invasive and monstrous to control. go for the "multiplex" species and avoid the others, "ventricosa" and "valgaris" as they are the ones everone is thinking of when they warn you off bamboo.
Reply:I agree with the above answer. I feel that Bamboo is more of a nuisance. It will take over quickly and is very hard to manage once it does. I would recommend a leyland cypress for this application. It will take a few years, but they grow into a nice fence line, and they look good as well
Reply:Scott %26amp; Ellarosa are correct. Not all Bamboo is invasive.
Bamboo is a beautiful addition to any yard and perfect for screening and privacy as you describe for your friend. There are quite a few nurseries on line but I have had good experience with http://www.bamboogarden.com
I had a second story deck and a dump of a yeard behind me that I needed to screen.
Fair warning... Bamboo is not cheap.
Reply:Please read this first:
There are other evergreen shrubs and tall trees that will make a good wall for your friend. Many are fast growing.
1. Best bamboo for this About 10 to 15 feet high.
2. Easily maintainable
3. Good, thick coverage
4. Priced low if possible
Planting a wall of bamboo?
I disagree with the fact that you agree with the opinions of a few that know nothing about the growth habits of bamboo.
Certainly if a running species is planted without the proper precautions it can become "invasive". That is why I have planted in my yard "neighbor friendly" bamboo, in other words clumpers. They slowly grow outward and can be trimmed ground level to keep the stand from getting too wide. They require little maintenance and in a few short years will be reaching their maximum height.
For a height of 10 to 15 feet, shrubs would be a nightmare to keep pruned to maintain a pleasant appearance. I can't imagine trying to stand on a ladder with hedge clippers and trimming them!
With many varieties of clumping bamboo to choose from I would plant bamboo before anything else. Two small divisions of bamboo can cover over 16 linear feet of fence and be 20 feet tall in less than 3 years! I know of no shrubs that will achieve that goal in such a short time!
Of course your climate will determine which bamboo will do best. There are tropical clumpers that prefer temps above the mid 20's, some that withstand temps into the 10's, and yet others that withstand tmeps below freezing.
Some to consider would be B. Multiplex Alphonse Karr, B. mutabilis, and Fargesia Nitida.
The bamboos to avoid would be any bamboo that starts with "phyllostachys" as these are runners and MUST be contained in a residential environment.
Plus on the talk of cost, you may find someone in your area that is willing to give you divisions for FREE!
Reply:It will take years for anything to grow to a considerable size. She's better off putting up a higher privacy fence.
Reply:I don't recommend bamboo because once you plant it, it is a very agressive plant and can become uncontrollable, even sprouting on the other side of the fence. If the neighbor is easily annoyed as well as annoying, this could be bad. Bamboo can take over your whole backyard if you aren't careful.
Try some small trees or large shrubs instead. Another option, extend the height of the fence with something decorative. Go to a local nursery, Lowes, or Home Depot and ask a professional for their opinion.
Reply:I highly disagree with bamboo being easily maintainable. A friend of mine had bamboo at her fence line and it was hard to keep it from taking over the yard. Might want to consider evergreen bushes. They are easier to maintain, because they won't try to take over the yard. They grow well in sunlight with ample watering.
Reply:not all bamboos are invasive and monstrous to control. go for the "multiplex" species and avoid the others, "ventricosa" and "valgaris" as they are the ones everone is thinking of when they warn you off bamboo.
Reply:I agree with the above answer. I feel that Bamboo is more of a nuisance. It will take over quickly and is very hard to manage once it does. I would recommend a leyland cypress for this application. It will take a few years, but they grow into a nice fence line, and they look good as well
Reply:Scott %26amp; Ellarosa are correct. Not all Bamboo is invasive.
Bamboo is a beautiful addition to any yard and perfect for screening and privacy as you describe for your friend. There are quite a few nurseries on line but I have had good experience with http://www.bamboogarden.com
I had a second story deck and a dump of a yeard behind me that I needed to screen.
Fair warning... Bamboo is not cheap.
Reply:Please read this first:
There are other evergreen shrubs and tall trees that will make a good wall for your friend. Many are fast growing.
Can bamboo plants be rooted by cuttings?
I am jsut wondering how bamboo is propagated commercially. They cant all be root divisions...tissue culture maybe?
Can bamboo plants be rooted by cuttings?
Roots are cut up and replanted. This is the major way of propagation. Remember bamboo is a grass. You cant take a grass blade and replant it. You need some type of stem contact with the ground like carpet grass. I worked for a nurseryman that specialized in growing all varieties of bamboo.
Reply:There is some testing with tissue culture, but yes, most bamboo is propagated via cuttings and division, depending on the species. There have been some tests using air layering and I know that some species can be propagated slightly cutting the culm then bending it over and burying it.
You must also consider too that most commercial bamboo ventures are not in the US and the majority of US bamboo growers do their propagations through division.
If you are in a warmer climate and can grow some of the tropical Bambusas then these can also be propagated from culm cuttings.
Reply:it can be layered by its roots
Can bamboo plants be rooted by cuttings?
Roots are cut up and replanted. This is the major way of propagation. Remember bamboo is a grass. You cant take a grass blade and replant it. You need some type of stem contact with the ground like carpet grass. I worked for a nurseryman that specialized in growing all varieties of bamboo.
Reply:There is some testing with tissue culture, but yes, most bamboo is propagated via cuttings and division, depending on the species. There have been some tests using air layering and I know that some species can be propagated slightly cutting the culm then bending it over and burying it.
You must also consider too that most commercial bamboo ventures are not in the US and the majority of US bamboo growers do their propagations through division.
If you are in a warmer climate and can grow some of the tropical Bambusas then these can also be propagated from culm cuttings.
Reply:it can be layered by its roots
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