Monday, January 30, 2012

Tips For Bamboo?

I Need Some Good Tips For Bamboo :D

Tips For Bamboo?
You are asking about Lucky Bamboo. It is easy to grow. Keep it out of direct sunlight, give it plenty of clean fresh water - usually they grow best in just water with maybe some gravel. It shouldn't need fertilizer but if you think it does use a very weak solution. If you have a lot of chlorine or salts in your water from a water softener you might want to give it distilled water.

Good luck with your bamboo.

Here is some info:
Reply:That is a pretty wide open question. There are sooooo many types of bamboo. Some like it hot, some can take the snow, and return hardy in the spring. Some like lots of moisture, some can't stand to have wet feet. Some clump (grow in a small area) Others run underground and start new in other areas. I hope this helps, but the best source of information is google.

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