Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Anyone Familiar with Lucky bamboo?

I was wondering if anyone knew about lucky bamboo. I just bought some and it has the roots on the bottom and 1 node where a small leaf is coming out on top. The problem is I want it to be shorter. If I cut it in half, will the bottom half grow a new node, and will the top half grow new roots...or will both just die? You can do that to many plants and since bamboo looks so simple I thought maybe..but I'd ask you guys first.

Anyone Familiar with Lucky bamboo?
New stalks can be propagated from the original plant by using a sharp knife to cut through a stalk - just below the joint. Place the cutting in fresh, clean water. A fine mist spray to stalks is sometimes suggested to stimulate new bud growth.
Reply:Never cut it because it wont grow back just keep it in water leaves take awhile to grow..we made the mistake of cutting one %26amp; it turned yellow on the root
Reply:I have lucky bamboo on my desk. I have had the same one for YEARS and with any plant i dont see why it would harm cutting the bottom... it still grows just keep it in water and in sunlight... i have had it near death literally and brought it back to life. good luck
Reply:If you cut in half, cut at one of the node ends then use Miracle Grow root inducer. I had 1 of my bamboos brake in half about a year ago. The rooted part died but the top half (after I used the root inducer) is growing great and rooted quickly.

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