Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Need help with my bamboo!?

I got, a little piece of bamboo to put in my betta tank, it's about 3 inches tall, and the woman pretty much said I could do whatever I wanted woth it, and I had it in the tank almost immersed, and it just never looked good so I took it out and put it in a litte cup with some small rocks and have just kept water in it, but now the middle is dark and soggy, What am I doing wrong?

I Need help with my bamboo!?
The Lucky bamboo is not a real bamboo, but a member of the Dracaena family, from the rain forests. It quite likes water, as you can imagine!

The don't like that much water, usually placing them in about an inch or so of treated water (See below). The water also needs to be changed every week or so, as deadly organisms can build up in it, causing rot: think that's what has happened here.

You say the middle is dark and soggy and I guess that bacteria have bred and infected it. I don't know how much is infected, but this will need to be removed, to prevent further spreading. I hope that this isn't most of your plant, otherwise it could be lost. If you can, cut it way with a sterile knife.

To look after lucky bamboos, change the water every week or so, preferably treat tap water first, or leave standing 24hrs to let chemicals disappear - these can harm plants.

They need good sunlight, but not scorching direct sunlight. An occasional feed is helpful too, with a liquid fertiliser, every 3 weeks or so, during the summer.

Good luck! Rob
Reply:Lots of different kinds of bamboo. look at this website

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