Sunday, February 12, 2012

Where can I cut my bamboo houseplants? They are too tall.?

My bamboo houseplants are too tall. Can I cut them in the middle and have more plants from them?

Where can I cut my bamboo houseplants? They are too tall.?
If you want to prune them (they won't grown anymore), prune them just above a node (that's the place where the leaf stalks come out). That way you won't have a long piece that just collects water for mosquitoes to breed in and rots anyway. If you want to grow more bamboo, when it shoots up new shoots in spring, wait a month or so, get a shovel and hand pruners and dig it up. Cut the root underground (it's MUCH EASIER that way!). Then plant it and make sure to cut off the leaves so it doesn't lose too much water, and water it. Try to do this on a cloudy day so it doesnt' get stressed.

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