ok my little brother wants a bamboo sword for christmas made completly out of bambo no metal preferably a practice katana or a scimitar but either way i need intsrucions thnks any imformation will hellp
How to make a bamboo sword?
What you are talking about is called a Shinai and it is used in preference to a live blade in Kendo practice. You should be able to BUY one for less than $25 on eBay. However, since I believe this to be a gift for a LITTLE KID as opposed to a teen with a little more responsibility, I suggest you get him a FOAM sword. A Shinai can still hurt someone failry badly- it can definitly leave a good welt and/or bruise.
If you look up FOAM SWORD or PRACTICE SWORD on eBay, you should find a practice weapon that has a blade made completely of foam padding covered with a light cloth. Think of a "Nerf sword". With this, he can wail around as much as he wants to with VERY little chance of severely injuring someone including himself.
NOW, if you still want to MAKE him a sword, I have made something similar to the padded sword for use in practice myself. I used foam pipe insulation- pick it up at a Home Depot or similar store. It's used to insulate water pipes from freezing and it's made of closed-cell foam rubber. It is HOLLOW and has one side slitted so it an be fit around a length of water pipe. Get a length of 25 1/2 inches of the foam (or what ever length you want but add an inch or so) with a 3/4 inch inside diameter (meant to be for a 3/4 inch pipe). I then bought a dowell rod (wooden dowell) of 3/4 inch diameter and 16 inches long for the handle. I slathered pipe glue (yeah I was doing a plumbing project) all inside the last 6 inches of the foam and all over 6 inches of the dowell. Wrap the foam around 6 inches (or so) of the dowell. This gives you a 10 inch handle, 6 inches of wood inside the foam (for a little sturdiness) and the rest of the "blade" is hollow foam rubber. It works very nicely for practice, but it looks- well it looks homemade.
I suggest you bone up the money for a good Christmas gift.
Hope this helps...
Sensei Cox
Reply:I suggest buying a wooden one. KarateDepot.com sells them for 10 bucks and they are awesome and very durable. Also shipping at KarateDepot.com is only 2.95 USD!
Reply:jujitsu was long ago for me but today i would take four feet of bamboo and drill it and fill it with foam crack sealer exspansion filler like you would use in weather proofing so it wouldn't fail under stress as soon and wrap the whole thing with a layer of duct tape so that a pair of them could be fun but not killer quality
Reply:yeah, a shinai. although its normally used for kendo, contact japanese fencing. for single person katas u might use a wooden sword.... as for making one... good luck, its kinda weird looking... shinai r designed to make noise when u whack things
Reply:how old is your little brother?
is he a martial artist,
1)find a bamboo tree
2)pick stick
3)wrap and give to brother
Reply:I believe you may want to look for something called a shinai. It is a bamboo practice sword for Kendo (a form of Japanese sport fencing). You could simply buy one at most martial art supply stores. It's probably easier than making one yourself.
Reply:check out this website for swords. im not sure if they have bamboo, but they have wooden, foam, and metal. this site has fast delivery and very good prices. the products are very good too. i got a couple bo's from here and they are good.
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