Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How do you use Green Green Bamboo fertalizer?

My dad Just bought me a Bamboo tree and it has food and the directions are in Japanese and i dont know how much to use ot says it lasts a year but i dont know how much to use help please!

How do you use Green Green Bamboo fertalizer?
Bamboo is a monocotyledon plant, meaning their veins in the leaves run parallel and are not considered to be a woody plant. A tree on the other hand for the most part are dicotyledons, meaning their veins for the most part are net shapped and are defined as a a woody plant. Bamboo plants are in the family of plants called graminea thus they are directly related to grass. Bamboos are giant grasses , many of wich are native to the orient. Given that bamboos are related to grasses, you would fertilize them with a grass fertilizer . The rate you would use would be much greater than that you would use for your home lawn because home lawns are usually mowed at a lower heigth, thier roots are not as deep, and the soil fertility is not as extensive. Given this information ferttilize less frequently but more quality. The amount of fertilizer would vary considerably depending on the heigth of the bamboo.Trees on the other hand especially well established ones do not require frequent fertilization as they will sustain themselves longer than grasses. Make sure the bamboo plant is watered on a regular basis. You need to mimic the natural enviroment where they come from, think monsoons, warm, humid weather especially during the summer.
Reply:I recently purchased some lucky bamboo that's in a shallow pot about seven inches wide, and the grower said use one drop of green green on each side of the pot, weekly. Report It
Reply:where can i order this grn. grn. fretilizer? (with japanese directions)

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