Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Can I spread clumping bamboo trees by cutting the stems and planting them?

Cutting the small branches and planting them somewhere else. I found access to quite a bit of clumping bamboo, and I was wondering if this was possible(they are kind of tall, up to 7 metres, but not too thick)?

Can I spread clumping bamboo trees by cutting the stems and planting them?
He has a CLUMPING bamboo folks, it is NOT invasive. Runners can be and must be contained. And it CAN be propagated from cuttings!!! It is harder than rhizome division and the % success depends on the species, the location of the cutting, the time of the year, and the expertise of the grower. Make sure the cutting has 1 or 2 nodes, place in soil at a slight angle and pointig "up" like it was on the plant so that at least one node is under the soil, try to take the cutting in early spring on culms 1-3 years old from the lower middle of the culm. The success rate can be as low as a few percent to as high as most of them. This can be done in the ground or in pots. Dont use the small secondary brances, use the main culm only. Do some rhizome divisions, cut the culms of those off a few nodes above any secondaries and use the rest for cuttings. You can get alot of plants that way!! Good luck
Reply:Sounds big (up to 7m tall) and invasive. Why do you even want to grow it? Have you considered a smaller variety (eg, Nandina domestica) you can keep contained in a pot? But in the long run if you really want to grow it then you will have to dig up a clump as other YA gardeners have already suggested.

Cheers mate.

Geez, why did I get a thumbs down for this? Just no pleasing some people....
Reply:Yeah you could do that and I think can't you also separate the rootish clumps and plant them like that? I've heard of that but I haven't had bamboo myself. Good luck!
Reply:Bamboo is notoriously invasive on its own. It needs no assistance in spreading. In fact, when planting it is advised that sheet metal be sunk into the ground for about 24 inches in order to contain Bamboo.
Reply:Bamboo DOES NOT root from cuttings, I have grown over 20 varieties - your success will be by digging off the edge of the clump in the spring. Take 4 or 5 shoots with some good root under it, transplant it and keep it soaked with water for a few weeks hopefully in some shade until it recovers from the shock. It's a very durable plant, you should be successful, if you follow these few tips
Reply:Bamboo is a grass, and will not root if you take a cutting from the shoot it would be like cutting a piece off a blade of grass it will not root. you can though dig up an individual clumps and transplant them. you can also split the clumps if they are large. this is just like taking a piece of sod from your lawn and trans planting it in a bare spot or something. By the way if you are using a clumping variety very good choice as far as controlling the bamboo. much easier than the types that are spreaders. Good luck
Reply:No, you need to dig up a little bunch with roots from the ground, then plant it somewhere else, or you need to divide it. You can't root it out from the cuttings. Waiting on Spring is confused with other kind of bamboos. Clumping type bamboo won't spread like timber type bamboos.

yes you can i use a product called garden tech rootone rooting hormone its for cuttings its easy to use and i get alot of rezolts from it all you do is take your cuttings and dip it in to water just the tip and then dip it in to the rooting hormon and put right in to the ground or you can start them in water till they start rooting i love this product and im shure you will to so give it a try and let me know how your cuttings do ok

you can find it at any nursry

good luck

Reply:you might be better off digging up the clump and dividing it into multiple clumps, you will have several plants instead of one.

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