Sunday, February 5, 2012

Does anyone have bamboo shrimp?

I went into Petco today to see their fish display and came across a bamboo shrimp that was about 2 inches in length. It didn't have pinchers, but rather feet with filters, much like a sea anemone. And they shed their shells as they grow.

I have never had any luck with the ghost shrimp, so if anyone has these little critters, are they hardier?

Does anyone have bamboo shrimp?
I had a 4 inch bamboo shrimp that did fine for 6 months...he ended up getting stuck between a large snail and the glass and died. Bamboo shrimp like to sit under the filter of any running water and catch the particles. They are very cool additions to any aquarium and do not attack fish. However, I would be careful with aggressive tanks...your bamboo shrimp may fall victim.

I have ghost shrimp also, but my catfish usually feed on them eventually. I have 3 that have grown big and the catfish leave them alone for the most part. Other fish also have been known to eat ghost shrimp. But they are good cleaners for the aquarium.
Reply:We've never had any luck with bamboo shrimp so you might want to do some research on what makes them live longer. Our ghost shrimp did much better. Also, if you have angelfish or other cichlids, they are likely to eat them.
Reply:I have had them live for several months. fun to watch. They like hiding places and perches

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