Friday, January 27, 2012

About bamboo?

does bamboo hedges stay green all year round?

About bamboo?
It depends on where you live and what type of bamboo you decide to grow--bamboo comes in several colors and several sizes at maturity--some growing 60-70 feet tall.

However, bamboo keeps it's color year 'round as long as it can tolerate the climate as far as the cold factor is concerned.

Because bamboo is very adaptable in warm climates, it can grow fast and far as it is invasive in nature. If you want to keep it in its place, you may want to consider digging a trench about 2 feet deep or deeper by about 8 inches and filling it with concrete before planting your bamboo--you would want the trench to form the periphery of the area that the bamboo can spread to. Your neighbors will thank you.
Reply:I experienced bamboo in Maine where it has now become the number 1 most invasive weed in the state. It did not stay green in the winter. In the warmer climates it remains green but in the colder climates it sheds its leaves. It is becoming a nationwide nuisance and plans are under way in almost every state to try and get rid of bamboo. It now surpasses purple loosestrife.
Reply:some are semi evergreen and some the leaves change colour slightly but most r evergreem
Reply:yes. we have a bamboo forest behind out house, and they stay green all year round. i live in north texas. they are pretty invasive though.

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