Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lucky bamboo care?

I have a lucky bamboo how to I care for it,Should i repott it or what.Do i need to trim it.If there are brown leaves do I trim them.Help me out I have no clue on this plant

Lucky bamboo care?
I have several of these. Just put it in a nice vase with marbles or colored stones around it to keep it standing straight. Keep about 11/2" - 2" of regular tap water in it %26amp; put it where it gets good bright light, but not in direct light. It should last for years %26amp; will grow new shoots, getting taller every year. You can trim the brown edges off %26amp; remove dead leaves.
Reply:You can cut off the brown. You can actually cut the stalk in half %26amp; put it in water to grow.Just make sure the bottom is always in water
Reply:Try these websites for information and care

Lucky bamboo isn't bamboo, it's dracaena, a kind of grass.

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