Friday, January 27, 2012

My bamboo...?

I have always had bamboo in my house and recently some of them are turning yellow and dying...any reason? any tips?

My bamboo...?
I also have a bamboo plant and I'm not sure that you can water them to much - this is their ordinary habitat, marshy areas.

Mine is in a square glass vase. I re-potted it when I first bought it using sand and river rock.

It's also in an area that doesn't get direct sunlight and it seems to be doing well.

You mentioned yellowing of the leaves - perhaps not enough water? Keep in mind though that all house plants will need some trimming at times - leaves die and new ones grow.

Good luck!
Reply:Trim off the dead leaves that's what I do when my leaves turn yellow, plenty of sun, and I use Deer Park water and have had mine for about three years and I can't believe there alive but I'm glad .
Reply:I read that they really hate chlorine and that tooooo much bright light can kill them as well...

What I do to get more of them growing, is... well, do you know how there is the thick stalk, and then growing off of that is thinner stalks and on those there are leaves? Well, I prune some of the thinner stalks off and put them in the water. They grow roots easily for me. So, if you have any healthy parts of your plant left, you do have an option of keeping it going instead of buying new.
Reply:If you use tap water, it could be a change in the water:

In areas where the local water is heavily treated with chlorine or fluoride , the leaf tips or edges of the lucky bamboo may become yellow or brown. This condition can also be caused by too many salts in the water, such as in "softened" water. Thus, it may be advisable to allow tap water to stand in an open container for 24 hours, allowing the chlorine and fluoride to dissipate, before using it with your plants. In the presence of salts, it's best to used filtered or distilled water.

It could also be just a part of the Bamboo's life cycle:

It is normal for some of the leaves on bamboo to turn yellow and drop. This occurs throughout the year, but it is particularly noticeable in the spring. The dropped leaves will be replaced with new leaves. Other causes of yellowing leaves are stress, drought, excess water and lack of nutrients.
Reply:Mine too. I was told that it's because it's taking all the "negative energy" and bad luck out of my atmosphere. That's why it's lucky bamboo.
Reply:bamboo needs lots of water, sun and LOVE!!! ? ?

I don't have any tips other than to make sure they are well watered (don't worry about drowning them I believe bamboo naturally grow in like swamp environments.) Plus like any other plant bamboo needs lots of sun!!
Reply:does it get any light?
Reply:too much or too little water...keep the roots in about 3 inches of water at all times.
Reply:Maybe its not real!

flowers and gifts

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